Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (2024)

It takes just three ingredients to make this super easy recipe for tortillas or unleavened bread. Whether you are wanting to celebrate Cinco De Mayo, Passover, or it’s simply Taco Tuesday in your household, this homemade flour tortilla recipe is for you.

Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (1)

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This 3-ingredient recipe for tortillas is so quick, easy, and versatile. I bet you even have the three ingredients you need to make these soft flour tortillas at home right now! They are flour, salt, and olive oil (plus water, but we’re not counting that). I can make a whole batch of these, start to finish, in about 10 minutes. I have the dough ready to go into the skillet in under five (I timed myself today). Have I convinced you to give it a go?

If I need to do a little more convincing, let’s talk about their versatility for a moment. You can use this recipe for tortillas to make a quesadilla, wraps for lunch, or as a side to accompany any main meal. Make a batch for Cinco De Mayo and celebrate in style with other Mexican-inspired dishes, like Mexican chicken casserole,sweet potato and black bean tacos, and Chipotle copycat guacamole.

How about using this recipe for tortillas next Taco Tuesday? Top your flour tortilla with whatever shredded or ground meat you like, such as beef, chicken, turkey, or pork. Then add sour cream, cheese, salsa, a squeeze of lime juice, and your other favorite toppings and the whole neighborhood will want to come to celebrate Taco Tuesday at your house!

Unleavened Bread for Passover

If you don’t celebrate Passover you may or may not know that Passover is a one-day Biblical Feast and it is immediately followed by the seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread. And did you know that these soft tortillas are considered unleavened bread? Well, they sure are.

During that week, not only do those celebrating Passover not eat anything with leavening agents in it, but they also make it a point to eat unleavened bread each day of the Feast, per instructions.

Two years ago I shared my soft unleavened bread recipe with you, which makes some tasty little soft pita chips. That’s a favorite on its own but I also use it to make cinnamon sugar breadsticks, cheesy bread, and even as a crust for our Passover Pizza!

Okay, you must be convinced to try this recipe for flour tortillas now, right? Let’s get cooking!

Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (2)

Recipe Ingredients

  • All purpose flour
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Just a little oil. You can use vegetable oil or olive oil.

I don’t count the water as one of the three ingredients because most of us are blessed enough to have that flowing from the faucets right now.

Helpful Kitchen Tools

Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (3)

Stir all ingredients together in a large bowl.

Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (4)

Until a dough is formed.

Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (5)

Lightly flour a surface and turn the dough out onto that.

Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (6)

Knead dough just a few times until it is smooth-ish.

Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (7)

Divide dough into eight parts and roll each part into a small ball.

Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (8)

One at a time, roll each ball of dough out into a thin circle using a rolling pin, until they’re 6 or 7 inches in size.

Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (9)

Spray a nonstick cast iron skillet with cooking spray and place it over medium heat.

Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (10)

Cook each tortilla for about a minute on each side or until lightly browned, then remove and continue until all are done. Enjoy!


  • When stored in an airtight container in the fridge, these homemade flour tortillas will last up to two days. You can serve them cold or reheat them quickly in a skillet.
  • You can also store them in a freezer-safe bag in the freezer for up to 2 months. After thawing overnight in the fridge, follow the above reheating instructions.

Recipe Notes

  • Okay, let me tell you why I have the ingredients in this order. I put them in countdown order because it is easier to remember that way. 3 tablespoons oil, 2 cups flour, 1 cup water, 1/2 teaspoon salt. See? Easy to remember.
  • You can easily add extra flavor to your homemade flour tortillas with some herbs and spices. I recommend dried or fresh oregano, thyme, or coriander.
  • To make thicker wraps, add a teaspoon of baking powder to the dough when you add the other ingredients.

Recipe FAQs

Can I make these tortillas gluten-free?

Yes, if you use almond flour, gluten-free oat flour, or gluten-free all-purpose flour instead, these will become gluten-free tortillas.

Can I make this recipe in advance?

Yes, you can make your tortilla dough ahead of time. Tightly wrap it in either plastic wrap or foil and refrigerate overnight before following the rest of the instructions.

Here are more of my favorite Mexican-inspired dishes to enjoy:

Taco Soup (The World’s Easiest Supper)

Stuffed Zucchini Boats, Tex-Mex Style

Instant Pot Beef Barbacoa Tacos

Taco Tot Casserole

Chicken Fajitas in Crock Pot

Mexican Cornbread Recipe by Mama

Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (11)

3-Ingredient Recipe for Tortillas

This super easy 3-ingredient recipe for tortillas also works as an unleavened bread recipe. Enjoy this recipe from Passover to Cinco de Mayo.

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Prep Time: 30 minutes minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes minutes

Course: Appetizer, Snack

Cuisine: Mexican

Keyword: tortilla

Servings: 8

Calories: 159kcal


  • 3 tablespoons oil vegetable or olive
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  • Place all ingredients in a large bowl. Stir together with a spoon until a dough is formed.

    3 tablespoons oil, 2 cups all-purpose flour, 1 cup water, 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead the dough just a few times until smooth. Separate the dough into 8 sections and roll each section into a ball.

  • Using a rolling pin, roll each ball of dough out into a thin circle about 6-7 inches in diameter.

  • Lightly spray a medium nonstick skillet with cooking spray and place it over medium heat. Add tortillas, one at a time, and cook for about one minute on each side, or until lightly browned. Serve warm. Enjoy!


Okay, let me tell you why I have the ingredients in this order. I put them in countdown order because it is easier to remember that way. 3 tablespoons oil, 2 cups flour, 1 cup water, 1/2 teaspoon salt. See? Easy to remember.


Calories: 159kcal

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Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (12)

Easy Recipe For Tortillas (3 Ingredients Only) (2024)


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