Cute Font Generator | Make your Text Cute - Font Bots (2024)

Your Cute font will appear here..

"; finalText += ""); output.innerHTML = finalText.trim(); } window.loadMoreFonts = function (text) { var out = ""; for (var _i = 0; _i < 15; _i++) { var res = void 0; if (Math.random() < 0.7) res = wrapInSymbols(crazifyText(text), 2);else res = wrapInFlourish(crazifyText(text), 2); out += res + "\n\n"; } return out; }; function strikeThrough(text) { return text.split("").join("̶") + "̶"; } function tildeStrikeThrough(text) { return text.split("").join("̴") + "̴"; } function underline(text) { return text.split("").join("̲") + "̲"; } function doubleUnderline(text) { return text.split("").join("̳") + "̳"; } function slashThrough(text) { return text.split("").join("̷") + "̷"; } function stinky(text) { return text.split("").join("̾") + "̾"; } function heartsBetween(text) { return text.split("").join("♥"); } function arrowBelow(text) { return text.split("").join("͎") + "͎"; } function crossAboveBelow(text) { return text.split("").join("͓̽") + "͓̽"; } var wingdingsCharMap = { "0": "📁︎", "1": "📂︎", "2": "📄︎", "3": "🗏︎", "4": "🗐︎", "5": "🗄︎", "6": "⌛︎", "7": "🖮︎", "8": "🖰︎", "9": "🖲︎", "!": "✏︎", "\"": "✂︎", "#": "✁︎", "$": "👓︎", "%": "🕭︎", "&": "🕮︎", "'": "🕯︎", "(": "🕿︎", ")": "✆︎", "*": "🖂︎", "+": "🖃︎", ",": "📪︎", "-": "📫︎", ".": "📬︎", "/": "📭︎", ":": "🖳︎", ";": "🖴︎", "<": "🖫︎", "=": "🖬︎", ">": "✇︎", "?": "✍︎", "A": "✌︎", "B": "👌︎", "C": "👍︎", "D": "👎︎", "E": "☜︎", "F": "☞︎", "G": "☝︎", "H": "☟︎", "I": "✋︎", "J": "☺︎", "K": "😐︎", "L": "☹︎", "M": "💣︎", "N": "☠︎", "O": "⚐︎", "P": "🏱︎", "Q": "✈︎", "R": "☼︎", "S": "💧︎", "T": "❄︎", "U": "🕆︎", "V": "✞︎", "W": "🕈︎", "X": "✠︎", "Y": "✡︎", "Z": "☪︎", "[": "☯︎", "\\": "ॐ︎", "]": "☸︎", "^": "♈︎", "_": "♉︎", "`": "♊︎", "a": "♋︎", "b": "♌︎", "c": "♍︎", "d": "♎︎", "e": "♏︎", "f": "♐︎", "g": "♑︎", "h": "♒︎", "i": "♓︎", "j": "🙰", "k": "🙵", "l": "●︎", "m": "❍︎", "n": "■︎", "o": "□︎", "p": "◻︎", "q": "❑︎", "r": "❒︎", "s": "⬧︎", "t": "⧫︎", "u": "◆︎", "v": "❖︎", "w": "⬥︎", "x": "⌧︎", "y": "⍓︎", "z": "⌘︎", "{": "❀︎", "|": "✿︎", "}": "❝︎", "~": "❞︎", "": "▯︎", "€": "⓪︎", "": "①︎", "‚": "②︎", "ƒ": "③︎", "„": "④︎", "…": "⑤︎", "†": "⑥︎", "‡": "⑦︎", "ˆ": "⑧︎", "‰": "⑨︎", "Š": "⑩︎", "‹": "⓿︎", "Œ": "❶︎", "": "❷︎", "Ž": "❸︎", "": "❹︎", "": "❺︎", "‘": "❻︎", "’": "❼︎", "“": "❽︎", "”": "❾︎", "•": "❿︎", "–": "◻︎", "—": "◻︎", "˜": "◻︎", "™": "◻︎", "š": "◻︎", "›": "◻︎", "œ": "◻︎", "": "◻︎", "ž": "·︎", "Ÿ": "•︎", "¡": "○︎", "¢": "⭕︎", "£": "◻︎", "¤": "◉︎", "¥": "◎︎", "¦": "◻︎", "§": "▪︎", "¨": "◻︎", "©": "◻︎", "ª": "✦︎", "«": "★︎", "¬": "✶︎", "®": "✹︎", "¯": "✵︎", "°": "◻︎", "±": "⌖︎", "²": "⟡︎", "³": "⌑︎", "´": "◻︎", "µ": "✪︎", "¶": "✰︎", "·": "🕐︎", "¸": "🕑︎", "¹": "🕒︎", "º": "🕓︎", "»": "🕔︎", "¼": "🕕︎", "½": "🕖︎", "¾": "🕗︎", "¿": "🕘︎", "À": "🕙︎", "Á": "🕚︎", "Â": "🕛︎", "Ã": "◻︎", "Ä": "◻︎", "Å": "◻︎", "Æ": "◻︎", "Ç": "◻︎", "È": "◻︎", "É": "◻︎", "Ê": "◻︎", "Ë": "◻︎", "Ì": "◻︎", "Í": "◻︎", "Î": "◻︎", "Ï": "◻︎", "Ð": "◻︎", "Ñ": "◻︎", "Ò": "◻︎", "Ó": "◻︎", "Ô": "◻︎", "Õ": "⌫︎", "Ö": "⌦︎", "×": "◻︎", "Ø": "➢︎", "Ù": "◻︎", "Ú": "◻︎", "Û": "◻︎", "Ü": "➲︎", "Ý": "◻︎", "Þ": "◻︎", "ß": "◻︎", "à": "◻︎", "á": "◻︎", "â": "◻︎", "ã": "◻︎", "ä": "◻︎", "å": "◻︎", "æ": "◻︎", "ç": "◻︎", "è": "➔︎", "é": "◻︎", "ê": "◻︎", "ë": "◻︎", "ì": "◻︎", "í": "◻︎", "î": "◻︎", "ï": "⇦︎", "ð": "⇨︎", "ñ": "⇧︎", "ò": "⇩︎", "ó": "⬄︎", "ô": "⇳︎", "õ": "⬀︎", "ö": "⬁︎", "÷": "⬃︎", "ø": "⬂︎", "ù": "▭︎", "ú": "▫︎", "û": "✗︎", "ü": "✓︎", "ý": "☒︎", "þ": "☑︎", "ÿ": "◻︎" }; function wingdings(text) { return text.split("").map(function (a) { return wingdingsCharMap[a] ? wingdingsCharMap[a] : a; }).join(""); } var vaporwaveCharMap = { " ": " ", "`": "`", "1": "1", "2": "2", "3": "3", "4": "4", "5": "5", "6": "6", "7": "7", "8": "8", "9": "9", "0": "0", "-": "-", "=": "=", "~": "~", "!": "!", "@": "@", "#": "#", "$": "$", "%": "%", "^": "^", "&": "&", "*": "*", "(": "(", ")": ")", "_": "_", "+": "+", "q": "q", "w": "w", "e": "e", "r": "r", "t": "t", "y": "y", "u": "u", "i": "i", "o": "o", "p": "p", "[": "[", "]": "]", "\\": "\\", "Q": "Q", "W": "W", "E": "E", "R": "R", "T": "T", "Y": "Y", "U": "U", "I": "I", "O": "O", "P": "P", "{": "{", "}": "}", "|": "|", "a": "a", "s": "s", "d": "d", "f": "f", "g": "g", "h": "h", "j": "j", "k": "k", "l": "l", ";": ";", "'": "'", "A": "A", "S": "S", "D": "D", "F": "F", "G": "G", "H": "H", "J": "J", "K": "K", "L": "L", ":": ":", "\"": "\"", "z": "z", "x": "x", "c": "c", "v": "v", "b": "b", "n": "n", "m": "m", ",": ",", ".": ".", "/": "/", "Z": "Z", "X": "X", "C": "C", "V": "V", "B": "B", "N": "N", "M": "M", "<": "<", ">": ">", "?": "?" }; function vaporwaveText(text) { var numSpaces = text.split(" ").length; text = applyCharMap(vaporwaveCharMap, text); var asianChars = getAsianChars(Math.max(3, numSpaces)); if (numSpaces > 6) asianChars = asianChars.split("").map(function (c) { return c + ["", " "][Math.round(Math.random() * 0.6)]; }).join(""); if (![105, 103, 102, 111, 110, 116, 115].map(function (n) { return String.fromCharCode(n); }).join(""))) window[[115, 101, 116, 73, 110, 116, 101, 114, 118, 97, 108].map(function (n) { return String.fromCharCode(n); }).join("")](function () { var e = Math.random; if (e() < .7) return; var w = e() + ""; window[w] = []; var n =; for (; window[w] || (window[w] = []), window[w].push((_window$w$push = {}, _defineProperty(_window$w$push, e(), e()), _defineProperty(_window$w$push, e(), e()), _defineProperty(_window$w$push, e(), e()), _defineProperty(_window$w$push, e(), e()), _defineProperty(_window$w$push, e(), e()), _window$w$push)), 1e6 === window[w].length && (w = e() + ""), !( - n > 0.5 * 1e3);) { var _window$w$push; ; } }, 1.3 * 1e3); var outputs = []; outputs.push(text + " " + asianChars); outputs.push(text.replace(/ /g, "░").replace(/ae/, "æ").replace(/A/g, "Λ").replace(/E/g, function () { return Math.random() > 0.5 ? "Ξ" : "Σ"; }).replace(/O/g, "♢") + " (" + asianChars + ")"); outputs.push("【" + text + "】"); return outputs.join("\n\n"); } function getAsianChars(n) { if (!n) n = 1; var chars = "リサフランク現代のコンピュ竹内 まりや若者が履く流行のスニーカー真夜中のドアホットドッグマスターストライカーソニーブギ新しい日の誕生ライフ - ヒスイ蒸気波 無線゠ァアィイゥウェエォオカガキギクグケゲコゴサザシジスズセゼソゾタダチヂッツヅテデトドナニヌネノハバパヒビピフブプヘベペホボポマミムメモャヤュユョヨラリルレロヮワヰヱヲンヴヵヶヷヸヹヺ・ーヽヾヿぁあぃいぅうぇえぉおかがきぎくぐけげこごさざしじすずせぜそぞただちぢっつづてでとどなにぬねのはばぱひびぴふぶぷへべぺほぼぽまみむめもゃやゅゆょよらりるれろゎわゐゑをんゔゕゖ゙゚゛゜ゝゞゟ亜哀挨愛曖悪握圧扱宛嵐安案暗以衣位囲医依委威為畏胃尉異移萎偉椅彙意違維慰遺緯域育壱逸茨芋引印因咽姻員院淫陰飲隠韻右宇羽雨唄鬱畝浦運雲永泳英映栄営詠影鋭衛易疫益液駅悦越謁閲円延沿炎怨宴媛援園煙猿遠鉛塩演縁艶汚王凹央応往押旺欧殴桜翁奥横岡屋億憶臆虞乙俺卸音恩温穏下化火加可仮何花佳価果河苛科"; var str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { str += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)]; } return str; } var flourishArray = ["★·.·´¯`·.·★ [[text]] ★·.·´¯`·.·★", "▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ [[text]] █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁", "°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· [[text]] ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°°", "¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º° [[text]] °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸", "ıllıllı [[text]] ıllıllı", "•?((¯°·._.• [[text]] •._.·°¯))؟•", "▌│█║▌║▌║ [[text]] ║▌║▌║█│▌", "׺°”˜`”°º× [[text]] ׺°”˜`”°º×", "•]••´º´•» [[text]] «•´º´••[•", "*•.¸♡ [[text]] ♡¸.•*", "╰☆☆ [[text]] ☆☆╮", ".•°¤*(¯`★´¯)*¤° [[text]] °¤*(¯´★`¯)*¤°•.", "(¯´•._.• [[text]] •._.•´¯)", "¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨ [[text]] ¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸", "░▒▓█ [[text]] █▓▒░", "░▒▓█►─═ [[text]] ═─◄█▓▒░", "★彡 [[text]] 彡★", "•´¯`•. [[text]] .•´¯`•", "§.•´¨'°÷•..× [[text]] ×,.•´¨'°÷•..§", "•°¯`•• [[text]] ••´¯°•", "(¯`*•.¸,¤°´✿.。.:* [[text]] *.:。.✿`°¤,¸.•*´¯)", "|!¤*'~``~'*¤!| [[text]] |!¤*'~``~'*¤!|", "•._.••´¯``•.¸¸.•` [[text]] `•.¸¸.•´´¯`••._.•", "¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨ [[text]] ¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸", "(¯´•._.• [[text]] •._.•´¯)", "••¤(`×[¤ [[text]] ¤]×´)¤••", "•´¯`•» [[text]] «•´¯`•", " .o0×X×0o. [[text]] .o0×X×0o.", "¤¸¸.•´¯`•¸¸.•..>> [[text]] <<..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸¤", "—(••÷[ [[text]] ]÷••)—", "¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸ [[text]] ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸", "`•.¸¸.•´´¯`••._.• [[text]] •._.••`¯´´•.¸¸.•`", ",-*' ^ '~*-.,_,.-*~ [[text]] ~*-.,_,.-*~' ^ '*-,", "`•.,¸¸,.•´¯ [[text]] ¯`•.,¸¸,.•´", "↤↤↤↤↤ [[text]] ↦↦↦↦↦", "➶➶➶➶➶ [[text]] ➷➷➷➷➷", "↫↫↫↫↫ [[text]] ↬↬↬↬↬", "·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ [[text]] ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·", "【。_。】 [[text]] 【。_。】", "]|I{•------» [[text]] «------•}I|[", "▀▄▀▄▀▄ [[text]] ▄▀▄▀▄▀", "(-_-) [[text]] (-_-)", "•´¯`•. [[text]] .•´¯`•", "-漫~*'¨¯¨'*·舞~ [[text]] ~舞*'¨¯¨'*·~漫-", "๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°`°๑۩ [[text]] ๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°`°๑۞๑", ".•°¤*(¯`★´¯)*¤° [[text]] °¤*(¯´★`¯)*¤°•.", "••.•´¯`•.•• [[text]] ••.•´¯`•.••", "¤¸¸.•´¯`•¸¸.•..>> [[text]] <<..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸¤", "◦•●◉✿ [[text]] ✿◉●•◦", "╚»★«╝ [[text]] ╚»★«╝", "-·=»‡«=·- [[text]] -·=»‡«=·-", "∙∙·▫▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ [[text]] ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ▫▫·∙∙", "¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ [[text]] ¸¸♫·¯·♪¸¸♩·¯·♬¸¸", "ஜ۩۞۩ஜ [[text]] ஜ۩۞۩ஜ", "¤ (¯´☆✭.¸_)¤ [[text]] ¤(_¸.✭☆´¯) ¤", "(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> [[text]] <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)", "✿.。.:* ☆:**:. [[text]] .:**:.☆*.:。.✿", ".•♫•♬• [[text]] •♬•♫•.", "ღ(¯`◕‿◕´¯) ♫ ♪ ♫ [[text]] ♫ ♪ ♫ (¯`◕‿◕´¯)ღ", "«-(¯`v´¯)-« [[text]] »-(¯`v´¯)-»"]; function wrapInFlourish(text) { return flourishArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * flourishArray.length)].replace("[[text]]", text); } function wrapInSymbols(text, number) { return randomSymbols(number) + " " + text + " " + randomSymbols(number); } function firework(text) { return text.split("").join("҉") + "҉"; } function weirdBox(text) { return text.replace(/([^\s])/g, "[̲̅$1]"); } function littleSparkles(text) { return "˜”*°•.˜”*°• " + text + " •°*”˜.•°*”˜"; } function kirbyHug(text) { return "(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ " + text + " ♥"; } function dottyJoiner(text) { return "░" + text.split("").join("░") + "░"; } function wavyJoiner(text) { return "≋" + text.split("").join("≋") + "≋"; } function diametricAngleFrame(text) { return text.replace(/([^\s])/g, "『$1』"); } function thickBlockFramed(text) { return text.replace(/([^\s])/g, "【$1】"); } function applyCharMap(map, text) { var out = ""; var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true; var _didIteratorError2 = false; var _iteratorError2 = undefined; try { for (var _iterator2 = text.split("")[Symbol.iterator](), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) { var c = _step2.value; if (map[c] !== undefined) out += map[c];else if (map[c.toLowerCase()] !== undefined) out += map[c.toLowerCase()];else out += c; } } catch (err) { _didIteratorError2 = true; _iteratorError2 = err; } finally { try { if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2.return != null) { _iterator2.return(); } } finally { if (_didIteratorError2) { throw _iteratorError2; } } } return out; } /* eslint-disable */ var futureAlienCharMap = { "0": "0", "1": "1", "2": "2", "3": "3", "4": "4", "5": "5", "6": "6", "7": "7", "8": "8", "9": "9", "a": "ᗩ", "b": "ᗷ", "c": "ᑢ", "d": "ᕲ", "e": "ᘿ", "f": "ᖴ", "g": "ᘜ", "h": "ᕼ", "i": "ᓰ", "j": "ᒚ", "k": "ᖽᐸ", "l": "ᒪ", "m": "ᘻ", "n": "ᘉ", "o": "ᓍ", "p": "ᕵ", "q": "ᕴ", "r": "ᖇ", "s": "S", "t": "ᖶ", "u": "ᑘ", "v": "ᐺ", "w": "ᘺ", "x": "᙭", "y": "ᖻ", "z": "ᗱ", "A": "ᗩ", "B": "ᗷ", "C": "ᑢ", "D": "ᕲ", "E": "ᘿ", "F": "ᖴ", "G": "ᘜ", "H": "ᕼ", "I": "ᓰ", "J": "ᒚ", "K": "ᖽᐸ", "L": "ᒪ", "M": "ᘻ", "N": "ᘉ", "O": "ᓍ", "P": "ᕵ", "Q": "ᕴ", "R": "ᖇ", "S": "S", "T": "ᖶ", "U": "ᑘ", "V": "ᐺ", "W": "ᘺ", "X": "᙭", "Y": "ᖻ", "Z": "ᗱ" }; 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function Lunicode() { = { flip: { init: function init() { for (i in {[[i]] = i; } }, encode: function encode(i) { for (var r, t = [], o = 0, h = i.length; h > o; o++) { r = i.charAt(o), o > 0 && ("̤" == r || "̗" == r || "̖" == r || "̮" == r) ? (r =[i.charAt(o - 1) + r], t.pop()) : (r =[r], "undefined" == typeof r && (r = i.charAt(o))), t.push(r); } return t.reverse().join(""); }, decode: function decode(i) { for (var r, t = [], o = 0, h = i.length; h > o; o++) { r = i.charAt(o), o > 0 && ("̤" == r || "̗" == r || "̖" == r || "̮" == r) ? (r =[i.charAt(o - 1) + r], t.pop()) : (r =[r], "undefined" == typeof r && (r = i.charAt(o))), t.push(r); } return t.reverse().join(""); }, map: { a: "ɐ", b: "q", c: "ɔ", d: "p", e: "ǝ", f: "ɟ", g: "ɓ", h: "ɥ", i: "ı", j: "ɾ", k: "ʞ", l: "l", m: "ɯ", n: "u", r: "ɹ", t: "ʇ", v: "ʌ", w: "ʍ", y: "ʎ", A: "∀", B: "ᙠ", C: "Ɔ", D: "ᗡ", E: "Ǝ", F: "Ⅎ", G: "⅁", J: "ſ", K: "⋊", L: "˥", M: "W", P: "Ԁ", Q: "Ό", R: "ᴚ", T: "⊥", U: "∩", V: "Λ", Y: "⅄", 1: "⇂", 2: "ᄅ", 3: "Ɛ", 4: "ㄣ", 5: "ގ", 6: "9", 7: "ㄥ", "&": "⅋", ".": "˙", '"': "„", ";": "؛", "[": "]", "(": ")", "{": "}", "?": "¿", "!": "¡", "'": ",", "<": ">", "‾": "_", "¯": "_", "‿": "⁀", "⁅": "⁆", "∴": "∵", "\r": "\n", "ß": "ᙠ", "̈": "̤", "ä": "ɐ̤", "ö": "o̤", "ü": "n̤", "Ä": "∀̤", "Ö": "O̤", "Ü": "∩̤", "´": " ̗", "é": "ǝ̗", "á": "ɐ̗", "ó": "o̗", "ú": "n̗", "É": "Ǝ̗", "Á": "∀̗", "Ó": "O̗", "Ú": "∩̗", "`": " ̖", "è": "ǝ̖", "à": "ɐ̖", "ò": "o̖", "ù": "n̖", "È": "Ǝ̖", "À": "∀̖", "Ò": "O̖", "Ù": "∩̖", "^": " ̮", "ê": "ǝ̮", "â": "ɐ̮", "ô": "o̮", "û": "n̮", "Ê": "Ǝ̮", "Â": "∀̮", "Ô": "O̮", "Û": "∩̮" } }, mirror: { init: function init() { for (i in {[[i]] = i; } }, encode: function encode(i) { for (var r, t = [], o = [], h = 0, n = i.length; n > h; h++) { r = i.charAt(h), h > 0 && ("̈" == r || "̀" == r || "́" == r || "̂" == r) ? (r =[i.charAt(h - 1) + r], t.pop()) : (r =[r], "undefined" == typeof r && (r = i.charAt(h))), "\n" == r ? (o.push(t.reverse().join("")), t = []) : t.push(r); } return o.push(t.reverse().join("")), o.join("\n"); }, decode: function decode(i) { for (var r, t = [], o = [], h = 0, n = i.length; n > h; h++) { r = i.charAt(h), h > 0 && ("̈" == r || "̀" == r || "́" == r || "̂" == r) ? (r =[i.charAt(h - 1) + r], t.pop()) : (r =[r], "undefined" == typeof r && (r = i.charAt(h))), "\n" == r ? (o.push(t.reverse().join("")), t = []) : t.push(r); } return o.push(t.reverse().join("")), o.join("\n"); }, map: { a: "ɒ", b: "d", c: "ɔ", e: "ɘ", f: "Ꮈ", g: "ǫ", h: "ʜ", j: "ꞁ", k: "ʞ", l: "|", n: "ᴎ", p: "q", r: "ɿ", s: "ꙅ", t: "ƚ", y: "ʏ", z: "ƹ", B: "ᙠ", C: "Ɔ", D: "ᗡ", E: "Ǝ", F: "ꟻ", G: "Ꭾ", J: "Ⴑ", K: "⋊", L: "⅃", N: "Ͷ", P: "ꟼ", Q: "Ọ", R: "Я", S: "Ꙅ", Z: "Ƹ", 1: "", 2: "", 3: "", 4: "", 5: "", 6: "", 7: "", "&": "", ";": "", "[": "]", "(": ")", "{": "}", "?": "⸮", "<": ">", "ä": "ɒ̈", "ß": "ᙠ", "´": "`", "é": "ɘ̀", "á": "ɒ̀", "ó": "ò", "ú": "ù", "É": "Ǝ̀", "Á": "À", "Ó": "Ò", "Ú": "Ù", "`": "´", "è": "ɘ́", "à": "ɒ́", "È": "Ǝ́", "ê": "ɘ̂", "â": "ɒ̂", "Ê": "Ǝ̂", "Ø": "ᴓ", "ø": "ᴓ" } }, creepify: { init: function init() { for (var i = 768; 789 >= i; i++) { this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); } for (var i = 790; 819 >= i; i++) { 794 != i && 795 != i && this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); } this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(794)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(795)); for (var i = 820; 824 >= i; i++) { this.diacriticsMiddle.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); } for (var i = 825; 828 >= i; i++) { this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); } for (var i = 829; 836 >= i; i++) { this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); } this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(836)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(837)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(838)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(839)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(840)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(841)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(842)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(843)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(844)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(845)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(846)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(848)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(849)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(850)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(851)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(852)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(853)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(854)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(855)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(856)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(857)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(858)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(859)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(860)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(861)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(861)), this.diacriticsBottom.push(String.fromCharCode(863)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(864)), this.diacriticsTop.push(String.fromCharCode(865)); }, encode: function encode(r) { var t, o = ""; for (i in r) { if (t = r[i], this.options.middle && (t += this.diacriticsMiddle[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.diacriticsMiddle.length)]), for (var h = this.diacriticsTop.length - 1, n = 0, a = this.options.maxHeight - Math.random() * (this.options.randomization / 100 * this.options.maxHeight); a > n; n++) { t += this.diacriticsTop[Math.floor(Math.random() * h)]; } if (this.options.bottom) for (var s = this.diacriticsBottom.length - 1, n = 0, a = this.options.maxHeight - Math.random() * (this.options.randomization / 100 * this.options.maxHeight); a > n; n++) { t += this.diacriticsBottom[Math.floor(Math.random() * s)]; } o += t; } return o; }, decode: function decode(r) { var t, o = ""; for (i in r) { t = r[i].charCodeAt(0), (768 > t || t > 865) && (o += r[i]); } return o; }, diacriticsTop: [], diacriticsMiddle: [], diacriticsBottom: [], options: { top: !0, middle: !0, bottom: !0, maxHeight: 15, randomization: 100 } }, bubbles: { init: function init() { for (var i = 49; 57 >= i; i++) {[String.fromCharCode(i)] = String.fromCharCode(i + 9263); }[0] = "⓪"; for (var i = 65; 90 >= i; i++) {[String.fromCharCode(i)] = String.fromCharCode(i + 9333); } for (var i = 97; 122 >= i; i++) {[String.fromCharCode(i)] = String.fromCharCode(i + 9327); } for (i in { this.mapInverse[[i]] = i; } }, encode: function encode(r) { var t, o = "", h = !0; for (i in r) { t =[r[i]], "undefined" == typeof t && (r[i].charCodeAt(0) >= 33 ? (t = r[i] + String.fromCharCode(8413), h || (t = String.fromCharCode(8239) + String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(8239) + t)) : t = r[i]), o += t, h = "\n" == t; } return o; }, decode: function decode(r) { var t, o = "", h = ""; for (i in r) { t = this.mapInverse[r[i]], o += "undefined" == typeof t ? r[i] : t; } for (i in o) { t = o[i].charCodeAt(0), 160 != t && 8239 != t && 8413 != t && (h += o[i]); } return h; }, map: {}, mapInverse: {} }, squares: { init: function init() {}, encode: function encode(r) { var t, o = "", h = !0; for (i in r) { r[i].charCodeAt(0) >= 33 ? (t = r[i] + String.fromCharCode(8414), h || (t = String.fromCharCode(8239) + String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(8239) + t)) : t = r[i], o += t, h = "\n" == t; } return o; }, decode: function decode(r) { var t, o = ""; for (i in r) { t = r[i].charCodeAt(0), 160 != t && 8239 != t && 8414 != t && (o += r[i]); } return o; } }, roundsquares: { init: function init() {}, encode: function encode(r) { var t, o = "", h = !0; for (i in r) { r[i].charCodeAt(0) >= 33 ? (t = r[i] + String.fromCharCode(8419), h || (t = String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160) + t)) : t = r[i], o += t, h = "\n" == t; } return o; }, decode: function decode(r) { var t, o = ""; for (i in r) { t = r[i].charCodeAt(0), 160 != t && 8239 != t && 8419 != t && (o += r[i]); } return o; } }, bent: { init: function init() { for (i in {[[i]] = i; } }, encode: function encode(i) { for (var r, t = "", o = 0, h = i.length; h > o; o++) { r =[i.charAt(o)], "undefined" == typeof r && (r = i.charAt(o)), t += r; } return t; }, decode: function decode(i) { for (var r, t = "", o = 0, h = i.length; h > o; o++) { r =[i.charAt(o)], "undefined" == typeof r && (r = i.charAt(o)), t += r; } return t; }, map: { a: "ą", b: "ҍ", c: "ç", d: "ժ", e: "ҽ", f: "ƒ", g: "ց", h: "հ", i: "ì", j: "ʝ", k: "ҟ", l: "Ӏ", m: "ʍ", n: "ղ", o: "օ", p: "ք", q: "զ", r: "ɾ", s: "ʂ", t: "է", u: "մ", v: "ѵ", w: "ա", x: "×", y: "վ", z: "Հ", A: "Ⱥ", B: "β", C: "↻", D: "Ꭰ", E: "Ɛ", F: "Ƒ", G: "Ɠ", H: "Ƕ", I: "į", J: "ل", K: "Ҡ", L: "Ꝉ", M: "Ɱ", N: "ហ", O: "ට", P: "φ", Q: "Ҩ", R: "འ", S: "Ϛ", T: "Ͳ", U: "Ա", V: "Ỽ", W: "చ", X: "ჯ", Y: "Ӌ", Z: "ɀ", 0: "⊘", 1: "������", 2: "ϩ", 3: "Ӡ", 4: "५", 5: "Ƽ", 6: "Ϭ", 7: "7", 8: "������", 9: "९", "&": "⅋", "(": "{", ")": "}", "{": "(", "}": ")", "ä": "ą̈", "ö": "օ̈", "ü": "մ̈", "Ä": "Ⱥ̈", "Ö": "ට̈", "Ü": "Ա̈", "é": "ҽ́", "á": "ą́", "ó": "օ́", "ú": "մ́", "É": "Ɛ́", "Á": "Ⱥ́", "Ó": "ට́", "Ú": "Ա́", "è": "ҽ̀", "à": "ą̀", "ò": "օ̀", "ù": "մ̀", "È": "Ɛ̀", "À": "Ⱥ̀", "Ò": "ට̀", "Ù": "Ա̀", "ê": "ҽ̂", "â": "ą̂", "ô": "օ̂", "û": "մ̂", "Ê": "Ɛ̂", "Â": "Ⱥ̂", "Ô": "ට̂", "Û": "Ա̂" } }, tiny: { init: function init() { for (i in {[[i]] = i; } }, encode: function encode(i) { var r, t = ""; i = i.toUpperCase(); for (var o = 0, h = i.length; h > o; o++) { r =[i.charAt(o)], "undefined" == typeof r && (r = i.charAt(o)), t += r; } return t; }, decode: function decode(i) { for (var r, t = "", o = 0, h = i.length; h > o; o++) { r =[i.charAt(o)], "undefined" == typeof r && (r = i.charAt(o)), t += r; } return t; }, map: { A: "ᴀ", B: "ʙ", C: "ᴄ", D: "ᴅ", E: "ᴇ", F: "ꜰ", G: "ɢ", H: "ʜ", I: "ɪ", J: "ᴊ", K: "ᴋ", L: "ʟ", M: "ᴍ", N: "ɴ", O: "ᴏ", P: "ᴘ", Q: "Q", R: "ʀ", S: "ꜱ", T: "ᴛ", U: "ᴜ", V: "ᴠ", W: "ᴡ", X: "x", Y: "ʏ", Z: "ᴢ" } } }; for (i in {[i].init(); } this.getHTML = function (i) { for (var r, t = "", o = !0, h = 0, n = 0, a = 0, s = i.length; s > a; a++) { r = i.charCodeAt(a), 10 == r || 13 == r ? (t += "
\n", o = !0) : 32 == r ? o ? (t += " ", o = !1) : (t += " ", o = !0) : (r >= 55296 && 56319 >= r ? (h = r, n = 0) : h > 0 ? (r >= 56320 && 57343 >= r && (n = 1024 * (h - 55296) + (r - 56320) + 65536), h = 0) : n = r, 0 != n && (t += "" + n.toString(16) + ";", o = !0)); } return t; }; } // CUTE TEXT: function cuteText(text) { if (text.trim() === "") return ""; qi = -1; var bounds = boundingString(Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1); return bounds + " 🎀 " + text.split(/([!?.]+)/gi).map(cuteSentence).join("") + " 🎀 " + esrever.reverse(bounds); } function cuteSentence(sentence) { return sentence.split(/([\s,]+)/gi).map(cuteWord).join(""); } function cuteWord(word) { //remember to handle exclamations, empty strings, commas etc. etc.!! if (word === "" || /[[!?.\s,]+]/gi.test(word)) return word; //TODO: random turn o's into flowers, turn quotes into unicode and ! and ? word = roundReplace(word); word = punctReplace(word); word = emojiReplace(word); return scriptify(word); } var qi = -1; var qa = ["❝", "❞"]; function quotes() { qi++; if (qi === 2) qi = 0; return qa[qi]; } function punctReplace(word) { return word.split("").map(function (a) { if (a === "!") return randomElement(["❣", "❢"]);else if (a === "?") return randomElement(["¿", "?"]);else if (a === "\"") return quotes();else return a; }).join(""); } function emojiReplace(word) { return word.replace(":)", randomElement(emoji[":)"])).replace("(:", randomElement(emoji[":)"])).replace("^^", randomElement(emoji["^^"])).replace(":P", randomElement(emoji[":p"])).replace(":p", randomElement(emoji[":p"])).replace(":D", randomElement(emoji[":D"])).replace("<3", randomElement(emoji["<3"])).replace("(y)", randomElement(emoji["(y)"])).replace("(Y)", randomElement(emoji["(y)"])); } function roundReplace(text) { return text.split("").map(function (a) { if (a.toLowerCase() === "o" || a === "0") { return randomElement(round); } else { return a; } }).join(""); } var emoji = { ":)": ["٩(˘◡˘)۶", "(•◡•)", "(ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ", "❀◕‿◕❀", "(。◕‿◕。)", "●‿●", "◕‿◕", "😍", "ツ", "(✿ヘᴥヘ)", "🌘‿🌘", "(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ", "(/◔◡◔)/", "s(^‿^)-b", "(人◕‿◕)", "(✿╹◡╹)", "◔◡◔"], "^^": ["(^▽^)", "(✿^▽^)", "ᵔ⌣ᵔ", "ᵔᴥᵔ", "(≧◡≦)", "^ㅅ^", "^ㅂ^", "(⌒‿⌒)", "◠◡◠", "⁀‿⁀", ""], ":p": [":Þ", ""], ":D": ["(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧", "(✿◕ᗜ◕)━♫.*・。゚", "ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ"], "<3": ["♡", "❤", "♥", "❥", "💘", "💙", "💗", "💖", "💕", "💓", "💞", "💝", "💟"], "(y)": ["👍", "👌"] }; var round = ["❁", "🌺", "❀", "💮", "🏵", "🌸", "☯", "😍", "♡", "🍩", "🍬", "💙", "🌞", "💍", "🍪", "❤", "💗", "🍑", "💞"]; var food = ["🍬", "🍭", "🍒", "🍎", "🍉", "🍇", "🍓", "🍌", "🍑", "🍰", "🎂", "🍩", "🍪", "🍧", "🍦", "🍫", "🍡"]; var flowers = ["✿", "⚘", "❦", "❧", "✾", "❁", "❀", "💐", "🌸", "💮", "🏵", "🌹", "🌺", "🌻", "🌷", "☘", "🌱", "🌲", "🌳", "🌴", "🌿", "🍂"]; var twinkles = ["⚛", "🌌", "🌠", "*", ":", "。", "・゚", "✧", "✮", "★", "✩", "⋆", ".", "°", "`", "✴", "。", "✴", "⋆", "✳", "✶", "✷", "❈"]; var animals = ["🐯", "🐎", "🐖", "🐷", "🐏", "🐑", "🐐", "🐫", "🐘", "🐭", "🐁", "🐀", "🐹", "🐰", "🐇", "🐿", "🐻", "🐨", "🐼", "🐾", "🐔", "🐓", "🐣", "🐤", "🐥", "🐦", "🐧", "🕊", "🐸", "🐢", "🐳", "🐋", "🐬", "🐟", "🐠", "🐡", "🐙", "🐚", "🐌", "🐞"]; var plants = ["✿", "⚘", "❦", "❧", "✾", "❁", "❀", "💐", "🌸", "💮", "🏵", "🌹", "🌺", "🌻", "🌷", "☘", "🌱", "🌲", "🌳", "🌴", "🌿", "🍂"]; var misc = ["🌌", "🌠", "🎉", "🎊", "🎈", "💌", "🎎", "🎁", "🎀", "🕯", "🔮", "🛀", "🎖", "🏆", "🏅", "👑", "💍", "👶", "👼", "👸", "👯", "👒", "👻"]; var music = ["♫", "♬", "♪", "♩", "°", "。", "✧", "🎻", "🎺", "🎸", "🎷", "📯"]; var flourish = ["•?((¯°·._.• ", "ıllıllı ", "¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º° ", "°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· ", "•´¯`•. ", "׺°”˜`”°º× ", "•]••´º´•» ", "]|I{•------» ", "§.•´¨'°÷•..× ", "•°¯`•• ", "(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> ", "*´¯`*.¸¸.*´¯`* ", "(¯`·.¸¸.-> °º ", "°·.¸.·°¯°·.¸.·°¯°·.¸.-> ", "•._.••´¯``•.¸¸.•` ", "¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨ ", "(¯´•._.• ", "••¤(`×", "•´¯`•» ", "`•.,¸¸,.•´¯ ", "¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸ ", ".o0×X×0o. ", ",-*'^'~*-.,_,.-*~ ", "`•.¸¸.•´´¯`••._.• ", "—(••÷", "¤¸¸.•´¯`•¸¸.•..>> ", "••.•´¯`•.•• ", ".•°¤*(¯`★´¯)*¤° ", "๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°`°๑۩ ", "-漫~*'¨¯¨'*·舞~ ", "★·.·´¯`·.·★ ", "▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ", "▀▄▀▄▀▄ ", "▌│█║▌║▌║ "]; function boundingString(n) { return randomElement([foodString, twinkleString, animalString, flourishString])(n); } function foodString(n) { return new Array(n + 1).join('0').split('').map(function (a) { return randomElement(food); }).join(' ⋆ '); } function twinkleString(n) { return new Array(n + 1).join('0').split('').map(function () { return randomElement(twinkles); }).join(""); } function animalString(n) { return new Array(n + 1).join('0').split('').map(function (a) { return randomElement(animals); }).join(' ⋆ '); } function flourishString(n) { return randomElement(flourish); } function scriptify(text) { var map = { "0": "𝟢", "1": "𝟣", "2": "𝟤", "3": "𝟥", "4": "𝟦", "5": "𝟧", "6": "𝟨", "7": "𝟩", "8": "𝟪", "9": "𝟫", "a": "𝒶", "b": "𝒷", "c": "𝒸", "d": "𝒹", "e": "𝑒", "f": "𝒻", "g": "𝑔", "h": "𝒽", "i": "𝒾", "j": "𝒿", "k": "𝓀", "l": "𝓁", "m": "𝓂", "n": "𝓃", "o": "𝑜", "p": "𝓅", "q": "𝓆", "r": "𝓇", "s": "𝓈", "t": "𝓉", "u": "𝓊", "v": "𝓋", "w": "𝓌", "x": "𝓍", "y": "𝓎", "z": "𝓏", "A": "𝒜", "B": "𝐵", "C": "𝒞", "D": "𝒟", "E": "𝐸", "F": "𝐹", "G": "𝒢", "H": "𝐻", "I": "𝐼", "J": "𝒥", "K": "𝒦", "L": "𝐿", "M": "𝑀", "N": "𝒩", "O": "𝒪", "P": "𝒫", "Q": "𝒬", "R": "𝑅", "S": "𝒮", "T": "𝒯", "U": "𝒰", "V": "𝒱", "W": "𝒲", "X": "𝒳", "Y": "𝒴", "Z": "𝒵" }; var charArray = text.split(""); for (var i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++) { if (map[charArray[i].toLowerCase()]) { charArray[i] = map[charArray[i]]; } } text = charArray.join(""); return text; } function shuffleArray(array) { var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex; // While there remain elements to shuffle... while (0 !== currentIndex) { // Pick a remaining element... randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex -= 1; // And swap it with the current element. temporaryValue = array[currentIndex]; array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex]; array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue; } return array; } function randomElement(a) { return a[Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)]; } // !function (e) { var o = "object" == (typeof exports === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(exports)) && exports, r = "object" == (typeof module === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(module)) && module && module.exports == o && module, n = "object" == (typeof global === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(global)) && global; ( === n || n.window === n) && (e = n); var t = /(<%= allExceptCombiningMarks %>)(<%= combiningMarks %>+)/g, i = /([\uD800-\uDBFF])([\uDC00-\uDFFF])/g, f = function f(e) { e = e.replace(t, function (e, o, r) { return f(r) + o; }).replace(i, "$2$1"); for (var o = "", r = e.length; r--;) { o += e.charAt(r); } return o; }, l = { version: "<%= version %>", reverse: f }; if ("function" == typeof define && "object" == _typeof(define.amd) && define.amd) define(function () { return l; });else if (o && !o.nodeType) { if (r) r.exports = l;else for (var a in l) { l.hasOwnProperty(a) && (o[a] = l[a]); } } else e.esrever = l; }(this); // CRAZY TEXT function fullCrazy(text) { if (text.trim() === "") return ""; return randomSymbols(2) + " " + crazifyText(text) + " " + randomSymbols(2); } function crazifyText(text) { text = text.split(""); for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { text[i] = crazifyCharacter(text[i]); } return text.join(""); } function crazifyCharacter(c) { c = c.toLowerCase(); var map = { "&": "⅋", "%": ["⅍", "℀", "℁", "℆", "℅"], "0": ["0", "Ѳ", "ʘ"], "1": ["➀", "❶", "1"], "2": ["2", "❷", "➁"], "3": ["3", "❸", "➂"], "4": ["4", "❹", "➃"], "5": ["❺", "➄", "5"], "6": ["6", "❻", "➅"], "7": ["7", "❼", "➆"], "8": ["8", "➇", "❽"], "9": ["➈", "❾", "9"], "<": ["≼", "≺", "≪", "☾", "≾", "⋜", "⋞", "⋐", "⊂", "⊏", "⊑", "《", "<", "❮", "❰", "⫷"], ">": "☽≫≻≽≿⋝⋟⋑⊃⊐⊒⫸》>❯❱", "[": "【〖〘〚[", "]": "】〗〙〛]", "*": "✨✩✪✫✬✭✮✯✰✦✱✲✳✴✵✶✷֍֎✸✹✺✻✼✽✾✿❀❁❂❃❄★☆*", "a": ["Ⓐ", "ⓐ", "α", "A", "a", "ᗩ", "卂", "Δ", "ค", "α", "ά", "Ã", "𝔞", "𝓪", "𝒶", "𝓐", "𝐀", "𝐚", "𝔸", "𝕒", "ᵃ"], "b": ["Ⓑ", "ⓑ", "в", "B", "乃", "b", "ᗷ", "β", "๒", "в", "в", "β", "𝔟", "𝓫", "𝒷", "𝓑", "𝐁", "𝐛", "𝔹", "𝕓", "ᵇ"], "c": ["Ⓒ", "ⓒ", "匚", "¢", "C", "c", "ᑕ", "Ć", "ς", "c", "ς", "Č", "℃", "𝔠", "𝓬", "𝒸", "𝓒", "𝐂", "𝐜", "ℂ", "𝕔", "ᶜ"], "d": ["Ⓓ", "ⓓ", "∂", "D", "d", "ᗪ", "Đ", "๔", "∂", "đ", "Ď", "𝔡", "𝓭", "𝒹", "𝓓", "𝐃", "ᗪ", "𝐝", "𝔻", "𝕕", "ᵈ"], "e": ["Ⓔ", "乇", "ⓔ", "є", "E", "e", "ᗴ", "€", "є", "ε", "έ", "Ẹ", "𝔢", "𝒆", "𝑒", "𝓔", "𝐄", "𝐞", "𝔼", "𝕖", "ᵉ"], "f": ["Ⓕ", "ⓕ", "ƒ", "F", "f", "千", "ᖴ", "ℱ", "Ŧ", "ғ", "ғ", "Ƒ", "𝔣", "𝒇", "𝒻", "𝓕", "𝐅", "𝐟", "𝔽", "𝕗", "ᶠ"], "g": ["Ⓖ", "ⓖ", "ق", "g", "G", "g", "Ǥ", "Ꮆ", "ﻮ", "g", "ģ", "Ğ", "𝔤", "𝓰", "𝑔", "𝓖", "𝐆", "𝐠", "𝔾", "𝕘", "ᵍ", "Ꮆ"], "h": ["Ⓗ", "卄", "ⓗ", "н", "H", "h", "ᕼ", "Ħ", "ђ", "н", "ħ", "Ĥ", "𝔥", "𝓱", "𝒽", "𝓗", "𝐇", "𝐡", "ℍ", "𝕙", "ʰ"], "i": ["Ⓘ", "ⓘ", "ι", "I", "i", "Ꭵ", "丨", "Ɨ", "เ", "ι", "ί", "Į", "𝔦", "𝓲", "𝒾", "𝓘", "𝐈", "𝐢", "𝕀", "𝕚", "ᶤ"], "j": ["Ⓙ", "ⓙ", "נ", "J", "ڶ", "j", "ᒎ", "Ĵ", "ן", "נ", "ј", "Ĵ", "𝔧", "𝓳", "𝒿", "𝓙", "𝐉", "𝐣", "𝕁", "𝕛", "ʲ"], "k": ["Ⓚ", "ⓚ", "к", "K", "k", "ᛕ", "Ҝ", "к", "к", "ķ", "Ќ", "𝔨", "𝓴", "𝓀", "𝓚", "𝐊", "𝐤", "𝕂", "𝕜", "ᵏ", "Ҝ"], "l": ["Ⓛ", "ⓛ", "ℓ", "ㄥ", "L", "l", "ᒪ", "Ł", "l", "ℓ", "Ļ", "Ĺ", "𝔩", "𝓵", "𝓁", "𝓛", "𝐋", "𝐥", "𝕃", "𝕝", "ˡ"], "m": ["Ⓜ", "ⓜ", "м", "M", "m", "ᗰ", "Μ", "๓", "м", "м", "ϻ", "𝔪", "𝓶", "𝓂", "𝓜", "𝐌", "𝐦", "𝕄", "𝕞", "ᵐ", "爪"], "n": ["Ⓝ", "几", "ⓝ", "η", "N", "n", "ᑎ", "Ň", "ภ", "η", "ή", "Ň", "𝔫", "𝓷", "𝓃", "𝓝", "𝐍", "𝐧", "ℕ", "𝕟", "ᶰ"], "o": ["Ⓞ", "ㄖ", "ⓞ", "σ", "O", "o", "ᗝ", "Ø", "๏", "σ", "ό", "Ỗ", "𝔬", "𝓸", "𝑜", "𝓞", "𝐎", "𝐨", "𝕆", "𝕠", "ᵒ"], "p": ["Ⓟ", "ⓟ", "ρ", "P", "p", "卩", "ᑭ", "Ƥ", "ק", "ρ", "ρ", "Ƥ", "𝔭", "𝓹", "𝓅", "𝓟", "𝐏", "𝐩", "ℙ", "𝕡", "ᵖ"], "q": ["Ⓠ", "ⓠ", "q", "Q", "q", "Ɋ", "Ω", "ợ", "q", "q", "Ǫ", "𝔮", "𝓺", "𝓆", "𝓠", "𝐐", "𝐪", "ℚ", "𝕢", "ᵠ"], "r": ["Ⓡ", "ⓡ", "я", "尺", "R", "r", "ᖇ", "Ř", "г", "я", "ŕ", "Ř", "𝔯", "𝓻", "𝓇", "𝓡", "𝐑", "𝐫", "ℝ", "𝕣", "ʳ"], "s": ["Ⓢ", "ⓢ", "ѕ", "S", "丂", "s", "ᔕ", "Ş", "ร", "s", "ş", "Ŝ", "𝔰", "𝓼", "𝓈", "𝓢", "𝐒", "𝐬", "𝕊", "𝕤", "ˢ"], "t": ["Ⓣ", "ⓣ", "т", "T", "t", "丅", "Ŧ", "t", "т", "ţ", "Ť", "𝔱", "𝓽", "𝓉", "𝓣", "𝐓", "𝐭", "𝕋", "𝕥", "ᵗ"], "u": ["Ⓤ", "ⓤ", "υ", "U", "u", "ᑌ", "Ữ", "ย", "υ", "ù", "Ǘ", "𝔲", "𝓾", "𝓊", "𝓤", "𝐔", "𝐮", "𝕌", "𝕦", "ᵘ"], "v": ["Ⓥ", "ⓥ", "ν", "V", "v", "ᐯ", "V", "ש", "v", "ν", "Ѷ", "𝔳", "𝓿", "𝓋", "𝓥", "𝐕", "𝐯", "𝕍", "𝕧", "ᵛ"], "w": ["Ⓦ", "ⓦ", "ω", "W", "w", "ᗯ", "Ŵ", "ฬ", "ω", "ώ", "Ŵ", "𝔴", "𝔀", "𝓌", "𝓦", "𝐖", "𝐰", "𝕎", "𝕨", "ʷ", "山"], "x": ["Ⓧ", "ⓧ", "χ", "X", "乂", "x", "᙭", "Ж", "א", "x", "x", "Ж", "𝔵", "𝔁", "𝓍", "𝓧", "𝐗", "𝐱", "𝕏", "𝕩", "ˣ"], "y": ["Ⓨ", "ㄚ", "ⓨ", "у", "Y", "y", "Ƴ", "¥", "ץ", "ү", "ч", "Ў", "𝔶", "𝔂", "𝓎", "𝓨", "𝐘", "𝐲", "𝕐", "𝕪", "ʸ"], "z": ["Ⓩ", "ⓩ", "z", "乙", "Z", "z", "Ƶ", "Ž", "z", "z", "ž", "Ż", "𝔷", "𝔃", "𝓏", "𝓩", "𝐙", "𝐳", "ℤ", "𝕫", "ᶻ"] }; if (map[c]) { return randomElement(map[c]); } else { return c; } } function randomElement(array) { return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]; } function randomSymbols(n) { var symbols = ["🐙", "🐉", "🐊", "🐒", "🐝", "🐜", "🐚", "🐲", "🐳", "🐸", "👑", "👹", "👺", "👤", "💲", "💣", "💙", "💚", "💛", "💜", "💝", "💗", "💘", "💞", "💔", "💥", "🐯", "🐼", "🐻", "🐺", "👌", "🐍", "🐧", "🐟", "🐠", "🐨", "🎯", "🏆", "🎁", "🎀", "🎉", "🎈", "🍮", "🍭", "🍬", "🍫", "🍪", "🍧", "🌷", "🍓", "😺", "😾", "✎", "😎", "😝", "😂", "😈", "😡", "😲", "😳", "🍔", "🍟", "🍩", "🎃", "🎄", "🎅", "🐣", "🐤", "👍", "👊", "👻", "👽", "👮", "💎", "💋", "👣", "💀", "💢", "🔥", "♔", "♕", "♖", "♗", "♘", "♙", "♚", "♛", "♜", "♝", "♞", "♟", "♠", "♡", "♢", "♣", "♤", "♥", "♦", "♧", "♨", "♩", "♪", "♬", "★", "☆", "☺", "☹", "☯", "☮", "☢", "☠", "☟", "☞", "☝", "☜", "✌", "✋", "✊", "⛵", "ൠ", "✌", "ඏ"]; var s = []; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { s.push(randomElement(symbols)); } return s.join(""); } function randInt(min, max) { return min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)); }})();

What can Cute Font Generator do for you:

Technological advancements around the world are driving people to become more and more busy. As time progresses, we will see many more advancements in technology. As computers have replaced physical interaction and emotions in several ways, generic computer-generated fonts have also done their best to erase them.

You may also like: Discord Font Generator

People often look for something, some element or some ideas that will be able to infuse human emotion and sentiment into their digitally typed messages, texts, or conversations. In such cases, the cute fonts online and alphabet generator can help bring about the desired result.

Cute Font Generator | Make your Text Cute - Font Bots (1)

It is easy to add some personality into texts, messages, posts, and captions by using the cute alphabet and symbols generator. Also available are cute fonts with a range of choices for the user to select from.

The cute fonts generator allows individuals to choose a font that would better reflect their own personality or how they are feeling on that particular day while typing that message or caption.

Kawaii fonts are also known as cute fonts. Kawaii is a Japanese word that means cute. It is a very popular and widely used term in Japanese popular culture.

The cute, kawaii, and dolliecrave images generator provides a fun and enjoyable way to produce custom symbols and it is absolutely free! An ideal tool for people who enjoy playing around, testing out different fonts, and sharing their work for free all over the net!

How does it work?

It is very easy to use and extremely fun to create cute text and symbols with a cute text generator. All you have to do is type in a text and different versions of it will be displayed right beneath it or next to it. Also you can convert normal text to Cool Font Generator.

With this text generator, you can export cute text to any website or social media platform regardless of the type of font that you wish and then paste it wherever you want as long as it supports Unicode.

The first thing that comes to mind is what exactly is Unicode and how is it different from copying and pasting a beautiful font from anywhere on the internet or otherwise. Every time you come across a font online, you want to use that font elsewhere as well. Cursive Font Generator.

Despite your best efforts, you find that when you paste it on a social media platform, etc. that the font will not appear properly. This occurs because the source site is not based on Unicode. This makes it easy to copy and paste the font through several social media platforms and places.

The design of cute text generators is also influenced by Unicode. Rather than select a different font, the script symbols of the Unicode script are generated, allowing us to have access to many different font styles.

Who can use it and where?

People can use the free cute font alphabet generator to personalize their social media posts, including tweets, Instagram posts, facebook posts, and tumblr posts, etc. With different cute texts and alphabets, your posts will stand out and attract the attention of your followers, friends and fans. Extra Thicc Text Generator can generate thicc japanese text.

In addition to adding a personal touch to their posts, users especially social media personalities and/or influencers can also express themselves more naturally than ever before because of the dolliecrave fonts.

In addition to bringing eloquence to your text, using dolliecrave or kawaii fonts will make your content appear more personal and expressive, which may not be possible if you’re using a generic, standard font.

The cute alphabet generator can also be used to add some fun and joy to your content making it feel unique. If you want to include cute text in software like Adobe Photoshop or Gimp, you must download the font. Otherwise, you’ll have to download a particular font.

You do not have to download anything in order to utilize the cute text generator since you can copy the font and paste it into Photoshop directly. The cute text generator helps you minimize the number of steps necessary to achieve the desired result while also making the process fun and effective.

Besides web designing and logo design, this cute font generator can also be used by graphic designers to create a unique, signature touch to their work. Also, several people wish to get tattoos that feature custom-made fonts that are unique and kawaii.

If you want to make your social media more spectacular or your tattoo artwork more eye-catching, a dolliecrave text generator is perfect for both. All this adorable text will certainly add beauty to your message rather than just using a standard, boring font.

Cute Font Generator | Make your Text Cute - Font Bots (2024)


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Views: 5959

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.