Ayurvedic Breakfast Recipes for Your Dosha: Begin Your Day with Health & Wellness (2024)

At this point, we all have gotten the memo that convenience foods negatively impact our overall health. From the Ayurvedic perspective, they are also devoid of prana(life force energy), diminish our connection to nature as well as the culinary traditions handed down by our ancestors. Cooking and preparing meals consisting of whole and unprocessed foods, that your great grandmother would recognize, is taking a stand for your health and a stand against the fast-food culture that has a stranglehold on not just America but the whole world. We encourage you to slow down and reclaim the art of preparing, making and consuming food! In Ayurveda, this process is called food sadhana.

We cannot think of a better place to start the practice of food sadhana than with the first meal of the day- breakfast. Eating a healthy Ayurvedic breakfast will stoke your agnior digestive fire. When your agni is strong, you are able to digest, assimilate and absorb the vital nutrients in your food and create healthy bodily tissues. This, in turn, will maintain your vitality and immunity, known in Ayurveda as ojas. When you are abundant in ojas, you are better able to withstand stress and maintain a healthy, radiant glow to your skin.

Below are some delicious Ayurvedic breakfast recipes tailored for each dosha- vata, pitta and kapha. You might notice that each recipe is a warm cooked meal because Ayurveda understands that cold, raw foods can be difficult to digest when agni is low. If you are in balance and not experiencing vikruti, then we recommend you pick recipes according to the current season. However, if you are experiencing vikruti, please choose the recipe(s) that will balance your dosha and digestive tract. Not sure what your dosha is?


Best during vata season (fall & winter) or if one is experiencing excessvata

Ayurvedic Breakfast Recipes for Your Dosha: Begin Your Day with Health & Wellness (1)



⅔ cup dry oats

2 cups of water

¼ teaspoon salt

1 heaping tablespoon ghee

¼ cup dates

¼ teaspoon cardamom powder*

¼ teaspoon cinnamon powder*

dash of nutmeg powder*

optional: ½ teaspoon ashwagandha powder

*you can also substitute all of the spices for ½ teaspoon of our Golden Milk spice blend


Place oats, dates, salt, ghee, and water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and add the cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg and ashwagandha (if using). Cook on low until oats are cooked entirely, anywhere between 5-10 minutes.

Add a splash of almond milk or raw whole cow’s milk after the oats have cooked through to give the oats a nice creamy texture. If desired, add a bit of maple syrup to the oats; however, the oatmeal should already have a nice sweet taste thanks to the dates.



1 medium-sized sweet potato

2 tablespoons ghee

⅛ teaspoon salt

tin foil square

¼ teaspoon cardamom powder*

¼ teaspoon cinnamon powder*

1 dash of nutmeg*

1 handful chopped roasted almonds

*you can also substitute all of the spices for ½ teaspoon of our Golden Milk spice blend.


Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Wash the sweet potato and dry completely. With a fork or sharp knife, poke holes on each side of the sweet potato. Use 1 tablespoon of ghee to cover the sweet potato’s skin then sprinkle with salt. Wrap the sweet potato in tin foil and place in the center rack of the oven. Bake for 30-35 minutes. The sweet potato is done when you can pierce it with a fork and it feels soft through the center. Once the sweet potato is done baking, take it out of the foil wrap and slice it open. Add the remaining ghee and sprinkle with spices and chopped almonds.


Best during pitta season (late spring & summer) or if one is experiencing excesspitta

Rice Pudding

-inspired by Ayurvedic Specialist & Chef, Amadea Morningstar


1 cup cooked white basmati rice

1 cup of coconut milk

¼ cup raisins

1 tablespoon coconut oil or ghee

½ teaspoon cardamom powder*

½ teaspoon coriander powder*

optional: add ½ teaspoon of shatavaripowder

*you can also substitute all of the spices for 1 teaspoon of our Golden Milk spice blend


Place all of the ingredients into a small saucepan and mix well. Cook on medium to low heat, until hot, about 5 minutes.

Ayurvedic Breakfast Recipes for Your Dosha: Begin Your Day with Health & Wellness (10)

Ayurvedic Egg Breakfast


3 egg whites

⅛ cup raw cow’s milk

1 tablespoon ghee or coconut oil

1 cup packed fresh spinach leaves

¼ teaspoon turmeric

¼ teaspoon coriander seeds

¼ teaspoon cumin seeds

dash of salt & pepper

* you can also substitute the turmeric, coriander and cumin with our Pitta Spice Blend.


Combine the egg whites, milk and turmeric in a mixing bowl and whisk until combined. In a skillet, heat ½ teaspoon ghee and add the coriander and cumin seeds. Cook on low until you hear the seeds popping then add the spinach leaves and saute. Once the spinach is wilted, remove from the skillet onto a plate. Add the remaining ghee to the skillet and pour in the egg white mixture. Allow the eggs to cook without stirring until the mixture begins to set around the edges. Using a spatula, gently stir the eggs to make a scramble. When eggs are the desired consistency, remove from heat and add to sauteed spinach. Finish with a dash of salt and pepper.

Best during kapha season (late winter & spring) or if one is experiencing excesskapha

Ayurvedic Breakfast Recipes for Your Dosha: Begin Your Day with Health & Wellness (13)

Simple Homemade Granola

-inspired by Ayurvedic Specialist & Chef, Amadea Morningstar


4 cups rolled oats

1 cup oat bran

1 cup raw sunflower seeds, ground

½ cup raisins

½ cup dried cranberries

3 tablespoons grapeseed oil

¼ cup apple concentrate

1 tablespoon cinnamon powder*

1 tablespoon cardamom powder*

1 teaspoon dry ginger powder*

1 teaspoon clove powder*

*you can also substitute all of the above spices for 2 ⅓ tablespoons of our Golden Milk spice blend or Kapha Spice Blend.


Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Combine the dry ingredients together in a bowl and combine the grapeseed oil and apple concentrate in a separate bowl. Pour the liquid mixture over the dry ingredients and mix well to combine. Spread the mixture into 2 large ungreased baking dishes. Bake for 30 minutes or until granola is golden brown and fragrant. Once cool, combine ½ cup to 1 cup of granola with room-temperature rice milk to make a healthy, light breakfast cereal. Store the rest in an airtight container for the rest of the week.

Broiled Grapefruit


1 whole grapefruit

½ teaspoon cinnamon powder

¼ teaspoon ginger powder

dash of chili flakes

*you can also substitute all of the above spices for 3/4 teaspoon of our Kapha Spice Blend &/or Golden Milk.


Set your oven to broil. Slice the grapefruit in half and place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Broil the grapefruit for 5-6 minutes or until there is a nice golden, caramel color forming. Take out of the oven and place in serving dish. Sprinkle grapefruit with spices.

To learn more about ayurvedic breakfast or nutrition a great book to start with is Amadea Morningstar’s The Ayurvedic Cookbook.We also recommend Talya Lutzker’s The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen: Finding Harmony Through Food and Sahara Rose Ketabi’s Eat Feel Fresh: A Contemporary, Plant Based Ayurvedic Cookbook.

Organic Teas, Tonics, Spice Blends & Ghee

Ayurveda is traditional Indian medicine that holistically considers the mind, body and soul when treating symptoms and diseases. It teaches that in order to feel your best, one must go about eating and living in a manner tailored to your individual constitution. Ayurveda recognizes three distinct doshas (a combination of elements present in each person).

Click here to Discover Your Dosha

Eggs photo by Monserrat Soldú: https://www.pexels.com/photo/selective-focus-photo-of-three-eggs-on-tray-600615/

Granola photo by Polina Tankilevitch: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-granola-seeds-with-raisins-3872382/

Ayurvedic Breakfast Recipes for Your Dosha: Begin Your Day with Health & Wellness (2024)


What is the best breakfast according to Ayurveda? ›

Prepare a warm porridge should, preferably with fruits steamed in ghee (this takes away the acidity found in fruits), nuts and honey. For those who have a dominant Pitta, it is advised to enjoy a toast with a plant spread or coconut oil. Important to note: Ask yourself if you are indeed hungry.

What should we eat first thing in the morning as per Ayurveda? ›

According to Ayurveda, it is recommended that fruits be eaten first thing in the morning, 30 minutes before other breakfast items such as hot cereal. Other suggestions for breakfast include dried figs and raisins, soaked the night before or simmered with a little water for 30 minutes.

What can I drink in the morning Ayurveda? ›

These specially crafted Ayurvedic drinks, when included in your daily routine, pave the way for overall wellness and maintain internal body balance.
  • Lemon Water On Empty Stomach. ...
  • Apple Cider Vinegar Drink. ...
  • Green Celery Juice Every Morning. ...
  • Ginger Tea. ...
  • Amla Juice. ...
  • Cucumber Water. ...
  • Coriander Seed Soaked Water Before Breakfast.
Apr 15, 2024

Which fruits can be eaten on an empty stomach according to Ayurveda? ›

According to Ayurveda the best time to eat fruit is right in the morning. Most of the fruits except the citrus ones can be easily eaten on an empty stomach. This could include bananas, pears and peaches.

What is a healthy Indian breakfast to eat every morning? ›

High-Protein Indian Breakfast Recipes:
  • Besan Chilla (Chickpea Flour Pancakes)
  • Masoor Dal Chilla (Red Lentil Pancakes):
  • Egg Bhurji (Scrambled Eggs):
  • Paneer Paratha (Indian Cottage Cheese Stuffed Flatbread)
  • Vegetable Omelette:
  • Cucumber Raita (Yogurt with Cucumber):
  • Palak Mushroom (Spinach Mushroom Stir-fry):
Aug 20, 2023

Are eggs OK in Ayurveda? ›

They should be eaten in moderation and preferably cooked with warming spices like cumin, ginger, or black pepper to help balance the Vata dosha. Those with a Pitta constitution may need to consume eggs in moderation, as they can be heating and may aggravate the Pitta dosha.

What is the biggest meal of the day according to Ayurveda? ›

It's often suggested that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but in Ayurvedic practice, lunch is actually the most important. Midday is when our digestive fire (called “agni” in Sanskrit) is at its strongest, so it's best to eat the biggest, heartiest, most nourishing meal for lunch.

How to empty bowels every morning Ayurveda? ›

Avoid cold, heavy, dry and raw foods; favour warm foods and drinks. Take a squat position to encourage bowels (ashwini mudra) in the morning or use a stool to raise legs when using the toilet. Stay well hydrated and drink warm lemon water in the morning and liquorice tea during the day.

What should we eat everyday in Ayurveda? ›

The Ayurvedic diet is, generally speaking, a whole foods diet rich in plenty of fresh, organic produce, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, and—if tolerated—dairy foods like milk, yogurt, and soft cheeses like panir.

Is coffee ok in Ayurveda? ›

Modern Ayurvedic practitioners recommend drinking organic coffee only. Why? Because conventional coffee can contain pesticide residues that can form ama (toxins or undigested food) in the system, says Larissa. And according to Ayurveda, ama is the breeding ground for disease.

How to start a day according to Ayurveda? ›

The Ayurvedic Morning Routine
  1. Rise Early. ...
  2. Wipe the Slate Clean. ...
  3. Give Yourself an Abhyanga. ...
  4. Do Yoga Asanas and Pranayama. ...
  5. Meditate and Ready Your Mind for the Day. ...
  6. Feed Your Body. ...
  7. Recipe: Stewed Apples (Cooked Apples with Cloves)
  8. Plan Ahead for Success.

What to drink instead of coffee in Ayurveda? ›

A: Ayurveda encourages beverages that are nourishing and sattvic in nature. Some options include warm water with lemon to kick start digestion in the morning, herbal decoctions with spices that boost metabolism, and fresh fruit juices that provide a natural source of sugars for quick energy.

When to eat bananas according to Ayurveda? ›

As a result, you may feel sleepy or fatigued and sluggish. Eating bananas during the day is recommended since the body has more time to digest the protein and fibre it contains. According to Ayurveda, consuming bananas with milk or milk-based food items can be harmful during the monsoon season.

Which fruits should not be eaten together in Ayurveda? ›

Some Useful Tips to Aid Digestion
Lemoncucumbers, milk, tomatoes, yogurt
MelonsEVERYTHING – especially dairy, eggs, fried food, grains, starches. Melons more than most fruit should be eaten alone or left alone.
MilkBANANAS, cherries, melons, sour fruits; bread containing yeast, fish, kitchari, meat, yogurt
10 more rows

How to start morning according to Ayurveda? ›

Ayurvedic Morning Routine
  1. Get up early. Ayurveda recommends getting up before sunrise or no later than 6:00 a.m. every day. ...
  2. Cleansing. The next step is cleaning. ...
  3. Apply oil to the body. In Ayurveda, Abhyanga is an integral part of the morning ritual. ...
  4. Movement. ...
  5. Meditate. ...
  6. Bathing. ...
  7. Breakfast.

What yogis eat for breakfast? ›

A balancing morning meal might consist of stewed apples, pears, and dates, stirred into hot cereal cooked with some warming spices. “Warming spices are those that stoke agni and make it stronger,” Halpern says.


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