‘Tinker Bell’ is an animated fantasy film series produced as part of the Disney’s Fairies franchise. The series revolves around Tinker Bell, the fairy character that was featured in the 1953 Disney story ‘Peter Pan.’ The series is a spin-off and takes place in an earlier time before Tinker Bell meets Peter Pan.As one of the most popular fictional characters of all time, Tinker Bell has quite a lengthy franchise consisting of six movies and 1 TV Special, and today we’re going to tell you how to watch them in order.
Editor’s Note: This watch order was updated in December 2023.
All 6 ‘Tinker Bell’ Movies in release date order
‘Tinker Bell’ franchise started in 2008 with the release of the movie ‘Tinker Bell.’ The series was originally imagined to be a prequel series to ‘Peter Pan’ but it eventually grew in an entire franchise of films. The critical reception was generally good, and there were plans to expand the series to live-action adaptations but nothing really came out of it. Here’s the entire ‘Tinker Bell’ franchise in release date order:
- ‘Tinker Bell’ (2008)
- ‘Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure’ (2009)
- ‘Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue’ (2010)
- ‘Pixie Hollow Games’ (2011)
- ‘Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings’ (2012)
- ‘Pixie Hollow Bake Off’ (2013)
- ‘Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy’ (2014)
- ‘Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast’ (2015)
Are all ‘Tinker Bell’ movies connected? What’s the best order to watch them in?
All ‘Tinker Bell’ movies are generally connected and follow Tinker Bell as she discovers her magical abilities, her identity, and various aspects of Pixie Hollow, a magical land that fairies inhabit. But due to the nature of the series, each story can be stand alone story.
It really doesn’t matter in which order you will watch the movies, but naturally, it’s always recommended to watch them in release date order.
‘Tinker Bell’ movies in chronological order
Considering that ‘Tinker Bell’ series was supposed to be a prequel to ‘Peter Pan’ we deal with Tinker Bell’s story before she met the Lost Boys. The franchise’s release order perfectly follows the chronological timeline however.
1. ‘Tinker Bell’ (2008)
Tinker Bell, born from a baby’s first laugh, discovers her talent as a tinker fairy in Pixie Hollow. Excited to join fairies who bring seasons to the mainland, she befriends various fairies with unique abilities. Despite her inventive skills, Tinker Bell learns from Queen Clarion that only nature-talent fairies can visit the mainland, leading her on a journey to understand her place in the magical world.
2. ‘Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure’ (2009)
Tinker Bell, a well-intentioned but trouble-prone fairy, faces a crisis when she accidentally breaks the magical moonstone, the source of Pixie Hollow’s pixie dust. To repair it, she embarks on a quest to find an enchanted mirror with the help of persistent pixie Terence.
3. ‘Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue’ (2010)
Years before encountering Wendy and the Lost Boys, Tinker Bell befriends Lizzy, a young girl with an unwavering belief in the magic of pixie dust. During the fairies’ summer visit to England, Tinker Bell forms a special bond with Lizzy, a curious child in need of a friend. As her fairy companions embark on a daring rescue mission, Tinker Bell takes a significant risk, endangering herself and the future of all fairykind.
4. ‘Pixie Hollow Games’ (2011)
Initially planned to showcase the entire ensemble cast in Olympic-style games across the four seasons, the film’s plot was revised, focusing on Rosetta and a new fairy, Chloe. Tasked with representing the “garden fairies,” they reluctantly team up in a competition against the undefeated “storm fairies.” Overcoming differences and Rosetta’s fear of getting dirty, they triumph in the end, marking the scaled-back scenario’s victorious conclusion.
5. ‘Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings’ (2012)
Tinker Bell ventures to Winter Woods to enlist the help of Periwinkle and her friends in saving Pixie Hollow from an impending freeze. Discovering that frost protects trees, the winter fairies collaborate to frost Pixie Hollow’s trees. During the process, Tink realizes her wing is torn, but when she and Peri unite, their identical wings sparkle, revealing the power to heal each other. The fairies also learn that winter fairies can frost the wings of warm-weather fairies, preventing them from breaking in the cold and facilitating visits between the two realms.
6. ‘Pixie Hollow Bake Off’ (2013)
A six-minute short film focusing on a baking competition between Pixie Hollow Fairies.
7. ‘Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy’ (2014)
When a misunderstood dust-keeper fairy named Zarina absconds with Pixie Hollow’s vital Blue Pixie Dust to join forces with pirates at Skull Rock, Tinker Bell and her friends undertake an epic adventure to reclaim it. Amidst their pursuit, an unexpected twist occurs as their talents are inexplicably switched, prompting a race against time to retrieve the Blue Pixie Dust and restore order to Pixie Hollow before it faces imminent peril.
8. ‘Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast’ (2015)
Fawn swiftly befriends a legendary creature, the Neverbeast, but discovers potential danger tied to the creature’s existence. Faced with a difficult decision, she must rely on her instincts to save both her newfound friend and the entire Pixie Hollow community.
Where to watch the above-mentioned movies?
All ‘Tinker Bell’ movies and shorts can be found on Disney+. The movies can also be rented or purchased on Apple TV, Amazon, or Google Play store.
Will there be more movies featuring Tinker Bell?
Several sequels were planned, but nothing ultimately came out of it. We know that back in 2021, the live-action movie featuring Tinker Bell was in development with Reese Whitespon as a producer and playing the role of Tinker Bell, as of December 2023 there are no news regarding the project, but we will update you as soon as something surfaces.
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