25+ Menu Examples & Ideas for Restaurants and Cafes - Venngage (2024)

25+ Menu Examples & Ideas for Restaurants and Cafes - Venngage (1)

First impressions matter, and that applies to your restaurant menu as well.

Designing a good menu is a vital ingredient for your restaurant’s success. Cleverly placed mouthwatering images and strategically positioned dishes can entice customers toward your most profitable or popular offerings, driving sales and maximizing revenue.

The million-dollar question now is — what’s the secret sauce to creating a wholesome restaurant menu? From carefully chosen fonts, enticing layouts and mouthwatering descriptions to tantalizing food imagery — a well-crafted menu enhances the overall dining experience for your customers.

But it really doesn’t take long to design a strategic menu for your restaurant, cafe or bar — not with some help from Venngage. In this article, I’ll be going through the tips and tricks to design a good menu. I’ve also included a bunch of restaurant menu examples to help get started. To save time, you could always customize our carefully curated menu templates.

Click to jump ahead:

  • What are the 5 types of menu
  • 8 restaurant menu design tips you should follow
  • What do you write on a restaurant menu?

What are the 5 types of menu

As a restaurant owner, the menu is an essential tool for attracting customers and providing them with a memorable dining experience.

Different menu formats cater to varying preferences and dining styles, allowing you to tailor your offerings to meet your patrons’ expectations. Here are the various types of menus and how they can enhance your restaurant’s appeal:

1. A la carte menu

The a la carte menu is a classic menu that offers a diverse selection of individually priced dishes, allowing patrons to choose items based on their preferences.

From appetizers to main courses and desserts, each dish is priced separately, granting diners the freedom to create their own personalized meal. The menu style is ideal for those who prefer flexibility and enjoy exploring a wide range of culinary options.

2. Table d’hôte menu

Also known as a set menu or fixed menu, the table d’hôte menu offers a curated selection of courses at a fixed price. Typically, a table d’hôte menu consists of a starter, main course and dessert. Unlike the a la carte menu, the dishes are predetermined by the chef, showcasing their expertise and creativity.

The table d’hôte menu is perfect for those seeking a complete dining experience without the hassle of choosing individual items. It often guarantees a harmonious composition of flavors and an immersive culinary journey.

3. Buffet menu

For those who appreciate variety and abundance, the buffet menu is a popular choice. They are especially popular for events or gatherings, as they encourage interaction and offer something for everyone.

Diners can help themselves to as much food as they desire from the selection available. Buffet menus are favored for their versatility, catering to different dietary preferences and allowing guests to sample a wide array of flavors.

4. Prix fixe menu

Similar to a table d’hôte menu, the prix fixe menu offers a fixed set of courses but with a touch of customization. Diners can select their preferred dish from the given choices within a specific price range.

This menu style strikes a balance between the flexibility of the a la carte menu and the curated experience of the table d’hôte menu. It ensures a cohesive dining experience while accommodating individual preferences and budgets.

5. Tasting menu

Reserved for the true epicureans, the tasting menu offers a series of meticulously crafted, small-portioned courses that aim to showcase the chef’s gourmet skills and creativity.

Tasting menus provide an opportunity to indulge in a range of flavors, textures and techniques. Patrons embark on a gastronomic adventure, as each course is carefully designed to harmonize with the next, resulting in a symphony of flavors that lingers long after the meal concludes.

Managing a restaurant is no easy job. Manage labor costs and ensure that the restaurant is adequately staffed at all times with these work schedule templates to help make the most of every workday.

8 restaurant menu design tips you should follow

Your restaurant menu design plays a crucial role in enticing customers and boosting sales. No idea where to start? Save time by customizing one of our carefully crafted restaurant menu templates today.

Follow these 8 essential menu design tips to create an aesthetically pleasing and strategically crafted menu that enhances the dining experience and drives customer satisfaction.

1. Incorporate high-quality images

Visual appeal is key when it comes to menu design. Include high-quality images of your signature dishes to entice customers and make their mouths water. Professionally captured and enticing images can evoke desire and help customers make informed choices, ultimately leading to increased orders.

2. Consider color theory

Colors have a profound impact on human emotions and behavior. Choose the color scheme for your menu design wisely to evoke specific emotions or associations.

For example, warm colors like red and orange can stimulate appetite, while green can convey freshness and healthiness. Consider your restaurant’s theme, cuisine and desired ambiance when selecting colors to create a visually appealing and cohesive menu.

3. Emphasize key items

Strategically highlight your key dishes, specials or unique offerings to draw attention. Utilize design elements such as bold fonts, colors or visual cues in your menu design to make these items stand out. By letting your most popular or profitable items take center stage, you can guide customers toward ordering choices that benefit your restaurant’s success.

4. Avoid overwhelming your customers with options

While variety is important, presenting an overwhelming number of options can confuse and overwhelm customers. Streamline your menu by focusing on your best dishes and removing any redundant or less popular items. A concise menu with well-curated choices allows customers to make decisions more easily, leading to a more enjoyable dining experience.

5. Highlight high-margin menu items

Identify dishes with high-profit margins and give them prominent placement on your menu. Use design techniques like borders, icons or contrasting colors to draw attention to these items. By emphasizing high-margin dishes, you can influence customers’ choices with your menu design and increase the profitability of each order.

6. Utilize the “golden triangle” principle

Apply the “golden triangle” principle to guide customers’ eyes toward your key menu sections or items. This golden rule suggests that people naturally scan in a triangular pattern, starting at the top center, moving to the top left and then to the top right. Place high-margin items or specials strategically within this triangle to increase their visibility and maximize their sales potential.

7. Encourage customers to try additional items

Increase average order value by incorporating suggestive selling techniques in your menu design. Use language, icons or descriptions that suggest complementary dishes, sides or beverages.

For example, pairing suggestions or “complete your meal” options can entice customers to explore other menu options, leading to increased sales and a more satisfying dining experience.

8. Provide customization options

Give customers the opportunity to personalize their meals by offering menu modifiers. Incorporate sections or checkboxes in your menu design that allow customers to select ingredients, toppings or preparation styles according to their preferences.

For example, giving customers the option to swap to nondairy alternatives can help restaurants tap into a wider customer base and stay ahead in an evolving culinary landscape. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also creates a sense of ownership and engagement with the menu, leading to repeat visits.

Thinking of expanding your restaurant business? You might need a business plan to help track progress, measure performance and attract potential investors. Browse our library of business plan templates that are designed for different needs to help save you time and hassle.

26 menu design ideas for your cafe & restaurant

Festive menus

To truly utilize a festive menu, it’s essential to embrace the spirit of the season. Whether it’s Christmas, Valentine’s, Diwali or any other celebration, let your menu reflect the festive cheer. Strike a balance between familiar dishes that evoke nostalgia and creative offerings that surprise and delight.

Traditional favorites such as roast turkey, honey-glazed ham or latkes can form the foundation of your menu, while innovative twists and unique flavor combinations add a touch of excitement.

Set the tone for your festive menu design by choosing a theme and color palette that aligns with the holiday season you’re celebrating. For example, reds, greens, golds and silvers are often associated with festive occasions while shades of pink always remind people of Valentine’s. Here are some food menu examples for your inspiration:

Go the extra mile with your creativity by giving your menu items an inventive dish name. Give your menu items a spooky twist by inventing creative and playful names that reflect the Halloween theme like this:

You can even develop attractive event packages specifically tailored for those who are looking for a place to host their birthday party, dinner party or even wedding reception. These packages may include special menus, discounted prices, complimentary decorations, personalized services and additional perks.

Thinking of hosting festive-themed parties to celebrate occasions like Halloween, Christmas or New Year’s Eve to increase foot traffic and restaurant sales? These poster ideas and event poster templates can help to create a buzz for your event.

Cafe menus

Your cafe menu is an extension of your brand and the unique identity you’ve cultivated. It should convey the essence of your cafe’s ambiance, values and menu offerings.

In the bustling atmosphere of a coffee shop, simplicity and clarity are key. Keep your menu design clean, uncluttered and easy to read. Avoid overwhelming customers with an excessive number of menu options.

A simplified menu helps optimize kitchen operations, especially if you’re running a small restaurant. With a reduced number of dishes, the kitchen staff can become experts in preparing those specific items, leading to improved consistency, quality and speed.

Select a cohesive color palette that complements your cafe’s branding and ambiance. Use colors that evoke warmth, comfort and relaxation in your menu designs. Consider incorporating your brand colors and experiment with shades that create a visually pleasing contrast and establish your brand identity like these cafe menu examples:

Create an organized and visually balanced layout for your menu designs. Establish a clear hierarchy by varying font sizes, weights and spacing. Group related items together and use white space strategically to give the menu a clean and uncluttered look.

Here’s a bakery menu example that you can refer to:

A well-designed logo strengthens your restaurant’s brand identity and contributes to the overall success of your marketing efforts. Don’t have a logo yet? Get started and design one with our professionally designed logo templates.

Booze menus

Whether it’s a wine list, a co*cktail menu or a selection of craft beers, offering a thoughtfully designed booze menu can enhance your restaurant’s menu and provide customers with a memorable drinking experience.

Use colors that evoke the spirit of the beverages you offer. For example, deep reds and burgundies for wines, rich ambers for whiskies or vibrant and refreshing hues for co*cktails.

25+ Menu Examples & Ideas for Restaurants and Cafes - Venngage (13)

Offering attractive drink specials on girl’s night and happy hour and is a great way to entice customers with your restaurant menu. Discounting popular alcoholic beverages like beer, wine and co*cktails can create a strong incentive for patrons to visit your establishment.

By offering discounted drinks and creating a lively atmosphere, you can attract new customers, encourage repeat visits, and increase overall revenue. Here are some happy hour menu templates you can customize:

Restaurant menus

Well-thought-out restaurant menu designs enhance the overall customer experience by creating a sense of anticipation and excitement. Regardless if it’s for your lunch or dinner menu, thoughtfully crafted descriptions, mouthwatering visuals and organized sections engage the senses and stimulate appetites.

Establish a clear visual hierarchy to guide the reader’s attention and prioritize key information. Use font variations (such as size, weight and style) to differentiate headings, subheadings and body text.

Highlight important items using color, bold text or other design elements. Ensure that the most important sections or specials receive the most visual emphasis.

Consider using custom illustrations or designing unique icons that align with your restaurant’s branding and menu items. These illustrations or icons can elevate the visual appeal of your menu and add a personal touch.

For example, this menu design for an Asian restaurant included a bunch of icons such as noodles and dumplings which are iconic Asian restaurant dishes.

Or this BBQ restaurant menu that included barbecue-related icons in their design:

Other than that, including professional food photography in your restaurant menu can entice customers and make their mouths water. Alternatively, consider using custom illustrations or graphics that align with your restaurant’s aesthetic.

Many restaurants are active on social media, and if you’re not — you risk falling behind your competitors. Stay top of mind with your target audience with some help from Venngage’s social media templates. They’re customizable, save time and most importantly — no design experience required!

Breakfast & brunch menu

For restaurants, a well-designed breakfast and brunch menu is a golden opportunity to captivate customers and satisfy their cravings for a delicious morning meal.

Breakfast and brunch menus offer an opportunity to cater to a wide range of tastes and dietary preferences. Offer a variety of dishes with different flavors, ingredients and cooking styles. You should also consider incorporating vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options to accommodate diverse dietary needs.

Organize your breakfast and brunch menu in a logical and user-friendly manner. Group similar items in one menu category such as eggs, pancakes, cereals or sandwiches. Use clear headings and subheadings to guide customers through the menu effortlessly.

Consider including icons or symbols to denote dietary options or popular items. A well-organized menu makes it easier for customers to navigate and find their desired choices. Here are some sample restaurant menus you can check out:

Creating an online restaurant menu for your website? Effortlessly design a digital menu design with the help of Venngage’s menu maker.

Fast food menus

Fast food has become a staple in our modern lives, offering quick, convenient and delicious meals on the go. For restaurants offering fast food like burgers and pizzas, a well-designed menu is a key ingredient for success.

Showcase your restaurant’s star players by highlighting signature items that set you apart from the competition. These could be your best-selling burgers, specialty sandwiches, or unique sides. Including a section specifically for signature items can ensure they don’t get lost among other offerings.

Design your fast food menu with vibrant and appetizing visuals. Include high-quality images that showcase the mouthwatering nature of your menu items. Invest in professional food photography to capture the flavors and textures that customers can expect.

Fast food is often synonymous with combo meals and value deals. Create a meal combination menu category that offers a complete and satisfying experience at a competitive price. That way, you can also be cross selling some of your other menu items such as sides and beverages.

Highlight the cost savings and value customers get by opting for these bundled deals. Combo meals make the ordering process efficient and offer customers a convenient and cost-effective choice. Creating a hamburger menu? Here are some restaurant menu templates you can use:

New in town? Customize one of Venngage’s brochure templates and help potential customers learn about your restaurant, menu offerings and unique features.

Plant-based menus

A vegan and vegetarian menu is an opportunity to showcase the creativity and versatility of plant-based cuisine and attract potential customers. Embrace a diverse range of ingredients, flavors and cooking techniques.

Put a plant-based twist on classic dishes to appeal to a wider audience. Offer vegan and vegetarian versions of popular comfort foods like burgers, tacos, pizzas and pasta dishes. Think beyond typical salads and explore innovative combinations that excite the palate and challenge preconceived notions about vegan and vegetarian food.

Craft clear and informative descriptions for your vegan and vegetarian dishes. Clearly state the recipe such as your main ingredients, cooking techniques, unique flavor profiles and even calorie count in your menu.

Make sure your menu provides details on allergens or common dietary concerns, such as gluten or soy. By offering comprehensive and transparent descriptions, you empower customers to make choices that suit their preferences and dietary needs.

When it comes to designing your plant-based menu, select a vibrant color palette that reflects the freshness and vibrancy of plant-based cuisine. Incorporate shades of green, orange and yellow in your menu to evoke images of fresh produce and nature.

Static menus aside, when deciding between a dropdown menu and a mega menu for your online restaurant menu, consider the size of your menu and the level of complexity. Choose a dropdown menu for a small menu with fewer options, or opt for a mega menu for a large menu with multiple categories and subcategories.

Takeout & delivery menus

In today’s fast-paced world, takeout and delivery services have become a lifeline for restaurants. With the rise of online ordering and delivery platforms, a well-designed takeout and delivery menu has become more crucial than ever.

A well-organized menu simplifies the decision-making process and makes it easier for customers to find their desired items. Arrange menu items in logical categories such as appetizers, main courses, sides and desserts.

Consider grouping family-style or combo meals together for easy ordering. Use clear headings and subheadings to guide customers through the menu effortlessly.

If your restaurant offers online ordering for takeout and delivery, ensure that your menu design integrates seamlessly with the online platform.

Optimize the menu for mobile devices, as many customers order through their smartphones. Keep the design clean, with large, easy-to-read fonts and buttons.

You can also consider utilizing a QR code menu that leads visitors to your website menus or additional information such as chef’s recommendations, cooking techniques or behind-the-scenes stories. This provides an opportunity to engage customers and share more about your culinary offerings, enhancing the overall dining experience.

Here’s a tip: Utilizing food flyers for food delivery can be an effective way to promote your restaurant and increase orders. You could include a special promotion code or coupon on the flyer that customers can use for future orders. Get started with one of our restaurant flyer templates today!

What do you write on a restaurant menu?

When writing the content for a restaurant menu, it’s important to provide clear and concise information about your dishes while luring customers with enticing descriptions. Here are some key elements to include:

Menu item names

Start with the names of each dish, highlighting the main ingredients or unique characteristics. Use descriptive and appetizing language that captures attention.


Provide detailed descriptions of each menu item. Describe the flavors, textures and cooking methods used. Highlight any special ingredients, culinary techniques or cultural influences. Be creative and use language that evokes imagination and excitement.


List the key ingredients used in each dish. This is especially important for customers with dietary restrictions or allergies. If your restaurant focuses on sourcing local or organic ingredients, you can mention that as well.

Preparation details

Specify how the dish is prepared or cooked. If it’s grilled, roasted, sautéed or served raw — mention it. This can help customers choose according to their preferences.


Indicate what sides, garnishes or sauces come with each dish. Mention if any substitutions or modifications are available.

Special dietary information

Clearly label menu items that are suitable for specific dietary requirements such as vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free or allergen-free options. This helps customers quickly identify suitable choices.


Include the price for each menu item. Ensure that it is easy to read and located near the dish name or description. Format the pricing consistently throughout the menu.

Menu sections

Organize your menu into logical sections such as appetizers, main courses, desserts and beverages. This makes it easier for customers to navigate and find what they’re looking for.

Signature dishes or specials

Highlight any signature dishes or chef specials on the menu. Use enticing language to draw attention to these items and create a sense of exclusivity or uniqueness.

Beverage options

If your restaurant serves beverages, include a separate section for drinks such as alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic beverages or specialty drinks. Provide descriptions and pricing for each option.

Social media banners have the potential to captivate and engage a wide audience. Highlight a happy hour discount, a limited-time menu item or a holiday-themed event and boost sales with these banner templates today!

Create a menu that leaves customers hungry for more

As restaurant owners, you know the power of presentation and your menu should be no exception. It’s time to give it a visual makeover that instantly grab eyes!

Nobody wants to spend ages deciphering a menu so remember to keep it simple and well-organized. Craft descriptions that tickle the taste buds and transport customers into a world of flavors. Make those juicy steaks sizzle, those salads burst with freshness, and those desserts melt in the mouth.

Lastly, a great menu is always evolving. Listen to your customers, embrace their feedback and keep experimenting. Introduce new dishes, retire the ones that aren’t hitting the mark and stay ahead of culinary trends.

Don’t worry about redesigning your menu — it’ll always be a breeze with Venngage! You can even upload them as your online restaurant menu to reach a wider audience. So go ahead and take customers on a dining experience that would give them a reason to keep coming back for more mouthwatering surprises.

25+ Menu Examples & Ideas for Restaurants and Cafes - Venngage (2024)


What should be in a cafe menu? ›

Some good foods for a cafe include:
  • Sandwiches.
  • Soups and salads.
  • Breakfast items.
  • Pastries and desserts.
  • Coffee and tea.
  • Specialty dishes.
  • Classic entrees.

What are 5 forms of menu that are popularly used in restaurants? ›

What Are The Five Types of Menus? The five types of menus most commonly used are a la carte menus, static menus, du jour menus, cycle menus, and fixed menus.

What type of menu do most restaurants use? ›

A static menu is the most widely used out of the menu categories. These menus are common because of their consistency, easy navigation, and options. Many successful restaurants are known for their consistent and dependable options, and a static menu helps communicate that message to customers.

What makes a good restaurant menu? ›

Here are the top 10 tips for crafting the perfect restaurant menu:
  • Make sure the menu is easy to read. ...
  • Don't overwhelm the customers with choices. ...
  • Choose a cohesive design that makes sense. ...
  • Keep the menu to a single page. ...
  • Stick to a consistent and reasonable pricing strategy. ...
  • Use psychology to your advantage.

What are the 5 most common types of menu? ›

There are 5 fundamental types of menus that are used in restaurants, and they are the most commonly used. These are a la carte, static, du jour, cycle, and fixed menus.

How do I choose a restaurant menu? ›

The 5 Main Steps in Menu Planning for a Restaurant
  1. Determine the type of menu you want to offer. This doesn't have to be definitive or even just one type of menu. ...
  2. List your core ingredients. ...
  3. Put together your supply chain. ...
  4. Price your menu items. ...
  5. Make your menu look good with photos and descriptions.
Jan 13, 2023

What is a sample tasting menu? ›

Tasting menus may be offered to provide a sample of a type of cuisine, a house specialty, or to take advantage of fresh seasonal ingredients. Coming to the mainstream in the 1990s, tasting menus evolved into elaborate showcases highlighting the culinary artistry of the chef.

How many menus should a restaurant have? ›

How Many Menu Covers Do I Need?
Breakfast Menus1 menu per person50%-75% of total seating
Dinner Menus1 menu per person50%-75% of total seating
Dessert Menus2 menus per table20%-35% of total seating
Wine Menus1 menu per table20%-35% of total seating
Captain's Books1 per Wine Captain1-10 books
1 more row

What does bin mean on a menu? ›

The term "BIN" stands for "Bottle Identification Number"” It's essentially a specific number assigned to each bottle of wine in your cellar.

What is the most ordered food in restaurants? ›

America's most ordered dishes of 2022, according to Grubhub
  • Burrito (bowl or regular)
  • Cheeseburger.
  • Cheese Pizza.
  • Pad Thai.
  • Chicken Quesadilla.
  • California Roll.
  • Fried Chicken Sandwich.
  • Caesar Salad.
Dec 15, 2022

How many categories should a menu have? ›

Too many items and sections can make your menu look cluttered, confusing, and unfocused. It can also make it harder for your customers to remember and order your dishes. A good rule of thumb is to have no more than seven items per section and no more than seven sections per menu.

What is the best color for a restaurant menu? ›

Orange stimulates the appetite, while brown communicates nature and earthy vibes. The color variation (lighter background) in a menu design calls attention to the high margin items for the category and attracts the guests' attention to them, which can lead to a significant shift in menu preference scores.

How to plan a menu? ›

The steps in meal planning are writing down days of the week and meal ideas, finding recipes, collecting and saving recipes, adding these recipes to a personal collection to save time in the future, finalizing the menu calendar, and finally creating a grocery list based on the meals and recipes chosen.

How should a menu be organized? ›

A well-organized menu will make it easier for guests to decide what they want. Divide it into logical sections, such as appetizers, entrees, beverages, desserts, and the like. Keep the section titles unassuming and straight to the point.

What to serve in a small cafe? ›

These five menu items are a great starting place for your café.
  • Sandwiches. Sandwiches are always popular at cafes. ...
  • Soup. Soup is almost a necessity at a café. ...
  • Salads. A fresh salad or two is a great thing to add to a café menu. ...
  • Breakfast Items. ...
  • Pastries and Desserts.

What makes a cafe a good cafe? ›

Pleasant ambience - 76%

When you get all of the senses right, your customers will enjoy the experience and keep coming back for more. This includes things like playing the right kind of music, keeping the café looking tidy and encouraging your staff to be presentable.

What makes a perfect cafe? ›

Staying Customer Focused (Customer Service) An excellent coffee shop wraps its vision and concept around the needs of its customers and executes every single time. This is because coffee shop owners understand that customers are the entire reason for their success. Having good customer service is essential.

What does a good menu need? ›

Make sure it's professional, but legible.
  • Price Range. It's good to have a wide range of prices. ...
  • Cleanliness. The menu itself should be presentable and clean at all times. ...
  • Structure. How you structure the items on your menu is important. ...
  • Currency Signs.


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.