25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (2024)

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (1)

Instagram infographics are one of the most popular types of posts on the platform today — and if you haven’t gotten on top of this trend yet, it’s past time to start designing your own infographics to engage your followers.

What can you expect to find in this blog post? Today we’re breaking down:

  • What is an Instagram infographic
  • 25 Instagram infographic ideas (and why they work)
  • How to design an infographic of your own

Equipped with plenty of design inspo from real-life brands, you’ll be well-prepared to jump into the Visme infographic maker and start creating your own.

Ready? Let’s get started!

Here’s a short selection of 10 easy-to-edit infographic templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

What is an Instagram Infographic?

Instagram infographics have become more and more popular to share on this social media platform. These graphics are made in the form of carousel posts — posts containing multiple images that can be viewed by swiping left.

Brands and influencers alike are utilizing this kind of post, creating graphics with words and figures to share with their followers. In 2017, just 4% of Instagram content was made up of carousel posts. But by 2020, that number had gone up to 19%.

There’s a reason why we’re seeing this type of post spike in popularity: It’s highly engaging. According to Hootsuite’s social media team, their carousel posts see 1.4x more reach and 3.1x more engagement than regular posts on Instagram. (And it’s no wonder — Hootsuite posts infographics that are beautifully designed and share valuable information.)

You can create an Instagram infographic that shares how-to help, walking your followers through a process step by step. You can share information or data that won’t fit on just one slide. Or add a list of tips for people to share.

Whatever type of information you decide to share, your infographic will succeed if it’s thoughtfully designed for maximum engagement.

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

  • Transform your visual content with Visme’s easy-to-use content creation platform
  • Produce beautiful, effective marketing content quickly even without an extensive design skillset
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25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (13)

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas

Want a little inspiration before you start designing Instagram infographics of your own? Take a look at these 25 infographic ideas we love — some straight from Instagram, and others available for use in Visme’s new category of Instagram carousel post templates.

1. 5 Ways to Ace Omnichannel Marketing

In this brand-new Visme template, we’re breaking down how your team can succeed with omnichannel marketing. The post walks through five slides with tips. You can edit the slides using our Facebook post maker.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (14)

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2. Quarantine Weight Gain

Dietitian and influencer Abbey Sharp from @abbeyskitchen shared an infographic geared for people who were experiencing quarantine weight gain. Using a pale blue background with a simple illustration of a scale, this infographic outlined six tips to improve your overall well being.

3. Food App

Foodies, this Visme template is for you. This seven-slide post walks you through the steps you’ll need to take to order a pizza from an app. But you don’t have to be a delivery service to use this template — you can adapt the template to explain any step-by-step process that’s relevant to your customers.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (16)

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4. Squalane

In this infographic, Ulta Beauty got real about squalane — an oily substance that’s good for your skin. A helpful illustration outlined the biggest benefits of squalane, and the second slide included images of Ulta Beauty products that contain squalane.

5. Tech Trends

Wrap up the top trends in your industry with this Visme template. Bright colors and fun graphics make it easy to grab your reader’s attention and stop their scrolling.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (18)

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6. 2021 Impact Report

Sustainable fashion brand CHNGE works to give consumers who care an outlet to make a positive impact in the world through their purchases.

At the end of the year, the brand gathered data on the impact it was able to make thanks to its customers. CHNGE shared the information in nine slides with statistics shown in large numbers and more information pulled out into smaller blocks.

7. Mental Health

Another popular trend we’re seeing on Instagram is carousel posts that include several quotes. Here, we’ve created a mental health-oriented infographic sharing four quotes to encourage people struggling with depression. Again, however, you’re free to use the Visme editor to add whatever quotes you want to include.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (20)

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8. How to Take A Vacation When You Work in Social

It should come as no surprise that Later, a social media scheduling tool, has a top-notch social media strategy including this beautifully designed Instagram infographic. The six slides don’t have any design elements such as icons or illustrations. But they don’t need them: The simple black typography looks great on top of the multicolored background.

9. Anti-Smoking Awareness

This black-and-red Visme template highlights the dangers of smoking, encouraging people that they can quit if they stay positive and determined.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (22)

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10. The Scoop on Vitamin D and SPF

Sunscreen brand Supergoop shared a simple infographic giving its customers information on how to get more Vitamin D. The brand framed the information as a chemistry lesson and placed the text over a background of graph paper that’s reminiscent of the classroom.

11. Interior Design Trends

Instagram is a common outlet to showcase home decor, and this new Visme template lets you join the party. We pulled out all the stops to create these five slides with warm colors, soft fonts and eye-catching imagery.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (24)

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12. 2021 Most-Loved Flavors

Nuun Hydration joined in the end-of-year fun with this four-slide infographic showing what flavors its customers loved the most in 2021. Using a different background color for each slide, Nuun counted down the top three flavors, adding a small illustration and a descriptive sentence for each one.

13. Diabetes Awareness

Hospitals, doctor’s offices, wellness companies — we’re looking at you. Instagram infographics are an excellent way to share facts-based tips and information that will help your followers live their healthiest lives. Start with this seven-slide Diabetes Awareness template available here at Visme.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (26)

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14. Measuring Success For A Hybrid Team

HubSpot takes a unique approach to Instagram infographics: The marketing company uses a Q&A format, asking followers to submit questions and then creating content based around those topics. This example uses on-brand colors and cute doodles across the five slides.

15. Safe Computing Tips

To create this Visme template, we used blue and gray to present tips for secure computing. We also added symbols and photos all indicating computers. And on the last slide, you can find a link leading to a blog post with further information.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (28)

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16. Making the Internet Safer For Women and Girls

Instagrammer Joel Lim shares simple black infographics breaking down complex social or political issues. Here, he summarizes information shared in a Clubhouse session, attributing the data and ideas included to either session participants or online reports.

17. Personal Finance Tips

Often, Instagram posts with a person’s face perform better than those without. Boost your engagement with this Visme infographic sharing four personal finance tips. Crafted with gorgeous shades of green and orange, the customizable template is a good fit for any Instagram account who wants to dish out some helpful advice.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (30)

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18. Ingredient Download: Peptides

Skincare brand Youth To The People uses this graphic to break down peptides — an ingredient used in its skincare products. The information is organized in a way that’s easy to read, following the natural flow of your gaze.

19. Money Management

Post tips for money management or anything else you have to share with this Visme template created with fun colors and animations. The last slide of the infographic is a CTA asking readers to buy a book.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (32)

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20. Brand Colors

It’s clear from this infographic that stock photography brand Haute Stock knows a thing or two about branding. The delicate pastels and simple yet effective graphics make it obvious that Haute Stock is definitely qualified to give advice on brand colors.

21. Marketing Statistics

This new Visme template can be edited to add statistics for whatever industry you’re in. With a bright orange background and helpful visual aids, readers will be sure to retain the information shared.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (34)

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22. Tips to Design Your Podcast Artwork

Online business strategist Melissa of @witandwire gave her followers advice on how to design their podcast artwork. This six-slide graphic walks you through what podcast artwork is and why it’s important; Apple guidelines for artwork; and pro tips for creating your own. Small arrows at the bottom of each graphic encourage you to keep swiping until the last image, where the Save button is highlighted instead.

23. Design Case Study

Share a case study with this Visme infographic template. With seven slides total, you can easily walk your Instagram followers through a case study, explaining what happened and what they can take away.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (36)

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24. Mental Health Tips I Learned From My Dogs

Not every infographic you create needs to have top-tier design crowded with text. In some cases, a simple white background with a single illustration can be just as effective and impactful — like this example shared by Barkbox.

25. Graphic Design Trends

Our final example is this graphic design trends infographic created by Visme. With an eye-catching 3D illustration, fonts that pop and colorful photos, it’s sure to make your Instagram followers keep swiping through.

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (38)

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How to Design an Infographic

Did those infographic examples get your creative juices flowing? Now it’s time to create your own customized infographic for your brand. Here’s how to make an infographic that will make your IG followers stop scrolling.

Outline Your Goals

Before you do anything else, sit down and take some time to think about your goals — why you’re making this graphic and what you’re trying to communicate. Don’t make infographics just for the fun of it. Each infographic you post on social media should have a carefully thought out strategy and purpose behind it.

Do you want to provide a high-level overview? Take a deep dive into explaining a complex process? How do you want your viewers to react to the infographic? These are all good questions to answer before you begin designing.

For example, you might want to create an Instagram infographic that provides tips and advice on how to design better content for social media, and holds value for your target audience by solving this common problem for them.

Collect Data

Once you have a general idea of what you want your infographic to accomplish, start collecting data to include. In some cases, you might decide to use original data, which is a great way to establish yourself as a knowledgeable authority in your field.

Don’t let the thought of finding your own data scare you off — you don’t have to conduct a full scientific research study! You can also simply take a survey on your social media or pull customer data that you already have. (Or if you’d like to run an original research study, feel free.)

If you don’t want to use original data, you’re also free to pull data from online. A simple Google search often isn’t enough to find useful data from credible sources.

Luckily, there are a variety of industry-specific sources you can use, such as HubSpot for marketing data or the World Health Organization for healthcare. Resources like Google Scholar or public data from governments and universities can also be helpful.

Make sure you source the data correctly, including a link to the original study in your graphic or caption to credit that organization for its work.

How much data is too much for a single Instagram infographic?

Instagram lets you add a maximum of 10 images in a carousel post. If you have an introductory and a concluding graphic, that leaves you with eight graphics to fit in your information. You don’t want to overwhelm your audience in these slides.

Ideally, each individual graphic should cover one main point, with a small amount of supporting information included. Depending on the design of your infographic, then, it’s probably best to create an infographic that has no more than eight main pieces of information.

And while you might think shorter infographics would get better engagement rates, one study proved this to be untrue: Carousels with 10 slides have the highest engagement rate.

Visualize the Data

Now is the stage when many designers create a wireframe to play around with. This basic black-and-white visual guide will help you choose what format is best for the data you have to share. For instance, a timeline is best for showing change, while a pie chart works well for comparison.

Here are a few types of infographics we love. It may take a little creativity to translate these designs into Instagram-appropriate image sizes, but it can be done:

  • Anatomy — Best for highlighting different parts of an object or explaining how something works
  • Flowchart — Best to lay out the steps of a sequence (information stream)
  • Hierarchy — Best for organizing information into different levels or showcasing the order of importance of something
  • Histogram — Best to illustrate distributions in data
  • Pictogram — Best for showing quantity and volume
  • Roadmaps — Best for visualizing processes and steps
  • Scatter Plots — Best for observing relationships between variables

Select the layout that makes the most sense to present your data visually. This step may take some time as you move things around and consider how to structure the data.

Write Copy

The next step in the process is to write the copy for your infographic. Your first slide should have a compelling headline that grabs people’s attention and gets them to start swiping. (Don’t be afraid to literally tell people to swipe — carousels with messages that encourage users to swipe left perform better, bringing the average engagement rate from 1.83% to 2%.)

After a brief introduction to the subject on the first slide, finish writing the copy to go on the remainder of the slides. The amount of copy you need will vary based on the type of infographic you’re creating.

Some infographics, such as anatomy infographics, only require simple labels for the illustrations. Other infographics might be structured in such a way that you need to write a paragraph for each slide.

When it comes to Instagram infographics, however, being concise is key. You don’t want to overwhelm your reader with large blocks of text on every slide. Make sure each slide has a balance of visuals, text and white space. And since you don’t have much space for copy, make sure all of the text you do include is important, well-written and engaging.

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25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (39)

Select Colors and Fonts

The colors and typography you use in your infographic design should be both relevant to the subject matter and on-brand for your business. The font used for the bulk of the copy should be a simple sans serif font (Helvetica, Verdana, Calibri) that’s readable and easy to understand. You can use a slightly fancier serif font to highlight any headers.

If your infographic is meant to inform or engage readers, use fonts that are more minimal. An infographic that’s designed to entertain or inspire can utilize “fun” fonts. (Pro tip: Visme’s Font Pairs drop-down menu makes it easy to choose fonts that go well together.)

Choose your infographic color scheme based on your brand colors, your target audience and the subject matter of your infographic.

Cap your color choices at 2-3 max, and your fonts at two. Having too many colors or fonts in a single infographic will create visual overwhelm — making people struggle to understand the information, or click away altogether.

In addition to the Font Pairs tool, Visme also offers predefined color themes or allows you to start from scratch and create your own.

Choose Other Design Elements

Fill in the remainder of your infographic by adding data visualizations, as well as illustrations or icons. Think about what data you could visualize. Percentages, statistics and comparisons can all be turned into data visualizations — things like graphs or charts that present the data in a new way.

You can also add images, shapes, icons or illustrations to spice up your graphic. These additional design elements offer a great way to further engage readers and help get your point across.


Have other people look over your infographic before publishing. They can help you check for typos and make sure everything is communicated clearly.

If your infographic contains any information that relates to people of a certain demographic — whether that’s a different race, gender or level of ability — you might also want to recruit sensitivity readers. These are people from that demographic who can tell you whether your message comes across the right way and isn’t offensive.

To share your Instagram infographic, you’ll create a new post on Instagram and select multiple photos. Instagram allows you to choose up to ten images in a single carousel post. You’ll need to create your post from the Instagram app — desktop Instagram doesn’t have the capability to create carousel posts.

Don’t forget to add a strong caption to your infographic. Chances are, the information you’re trying to get across is already in your graphic — so there’s no need to write a novel for a caption. But you do need to add at least a couple of sentences.

Summarize what your followers will gain by swiping through your infographic, or ask them to leave a comment on the post. Remember to also add relevant hashtags to increase the post’s reach.

When your caption is complete, hit “Post” and your Instagram infographic will be out in the world.

Level Up Your Instagram Infographics

You can use Visme to create Instagram infographics for your brand. It’s easy to make Instagram carousel posts by adding additional slides to a Visme project.

Our Instagram post maker allows you to customize professionally designed templates and then upload your finished product straight to the ‘gram. Take your social media campaigns to the next level with Instagram infographics designed to engage your followers!

25 Instagram Infographic Ideas and How to Make Your Own (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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